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Archive for October, 2013

linked: gettin’ spooky with it!

Monday, October 7th, 2013

It’s getting nearer to the best holiday evar, so I must share some spooky treats I’ve found! Don’t worry, I’m mixing in some other things to help you sleep at night.

I’ve not jumped down the Breaking Bad rabbit hole yet, but I know many who have. Either way, I found this ad for the BB house that was placed to help hype the final episode to be crazy clever.

I adore Parks and Recreation, and every time a Perd segment pops up I am delighted. This interview with Jay Jackson gives some back story to Perd.

I love the story of a good haunting any time of year. However, this list of castles and mansions with tragic stories seems especially fitting now.

I love me some Batman, as does my husband. In fact, it’s part of what got us talking to each other back in the day! These imaginings of Batman and friends through history is fantastic.

The story of this lake is eerie, but the images are even eerier. I kind of want to go there…but don’t.

Finally, some costume inspiration. I think we need to get back to this type of costume, instead of trying to make everything sexy. Scary is so much cooler!

Hope you have a wonderful week!

squirrely sunday: in memoriam

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

I’m taking some liberties with squirrely sunday today. A few years ago, G espied some Robo Dwarf Hamsters, and became slightly obsessed. So, for our anniversary I got him two Robos. Sadly, they don’t live so long, on account of their tininess. It took a while, but eventually G was ready for another wee hammie. This time, he chose a Russian Dwarf hamster. A wee albino, who was pretty adorable. G settled on naming him The Dude, because he’s a white Russian.
the dude drinking
The Dude left us last night. We knew the day would come, because of their short life span. We were hoping we would have him around for at least two years, but it wasn’t to be. I already miss hearing him run in his wheel, and seeing him stand on his hind legs to drink water. He was a funny tubby dude, and we’ll miss him. We had a little ceremony today, and sent him off.
the dude
Thanks for the fun little guy.

proper introduction

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

So, a while back I adopted the most adorable hairless rat in the world. I’d wanted one for a long time, and when this little lady showed up at the Humane Society, I knew it was meant to be. I’d been meaning to do a proper introduction, and I even took a video! However, it took a bit to get the video onto my computer, then it took more than a bit to get it edited. However, I did all that! Finally! So, now I can properly introduce my little girl, Ms. Billy Corgan. She is amazing and hilarious and adorable and I love her almost as much as human Billy Corgan. When you watch her video, try to imagine the song “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” by The Smashing Pumpkins because that is her theme song. Unfortunately, I don’t have the rights to that little ditty and had to use what I could get for free from You Tube. Enjoy!

fabulous friday: always sprinkle pepper

Friday, October 4th, 2013

As a kid, I would read and re-read my copies of Shel Silverstein’s poetry books. A favorite was, “Always Sprinkle Pepper.” The poem advised to always sprinkle pepper in your hair. This was in case you were kidnapped. When the kidnappers would sniff you to see if you would make a good stew, the pepper would cause them to sneeze, thus letting go of you long enough so you should escape. I would often sprinkle pepper in my hair. At least until I wised up and realized that kidnappers were unlikely to make a stew of me. Probably. Maybe. I hope.

So, I don’t sprinkle pepper in my hair these days. However, I strive to always stock champagne. Or Prosecco. Or sparkling wine in the very least. A while back, I read an article, suggesting one always have champagne in their refrigerator. That way, you are ready for a celebration. Always. Another suggestion I read was to make getting ready an event in and of itself. Have a glass of champagne, play some fab tunes, and be fabulous from the shower to dashing out the door*. Always having champagne makes this glam get ready session so much easier! This can be applied to so many things! Think about it, a flute of bubbly automatically makes whatever you’re doing super glam. Watching TV. Doing the dishes. Reading a blog. Put on a caftan and turban, and it gets about as fab-u-lous as possible.

I don’t know about you, but having just full bottles of champagne seems like a lot of pressure. I open it, and hearing those little bubbles bobbing and popping sounds an awful lot like a clock ticking. I know it’s only a matter of time before those bubbles slow and the flavor changes and it becomes a bottle of sadness. I can’t have that on my conscience. The next thing you know I’m cracking a second bottle because after consuming the entirety of the first, it seems like a most excellent idea. If I’m alone, that sounds too much like a recipe for joining a self-help group.

Enter the champagne split! A perfect single serving of bubbly! Put it in a flute, mix it with OJ at brunch, the possibilities are endless! I don’t hear any ticking clocks, I have the right amount for maximum fabulousity and minimum tragedy, it’s a win-win. I’ve found that splits are not always easy to find at your local Liquor Mart** Especially not drinkable splits. For my money, I like Sofia Coppola. Some of the most stunning packaging on shelves anywhere, convenient yet attractive cans, and included matching straws. Perfect for consumption right out of the package, while maintaining elegance or perfectly pour-able into your favorite fine crystal.

yeah, that's my fridge.

yeah, that’s my fridge.

So, go on out and stock your fridge! Be prepared to be fabulous at a moment’s notice. Propose a toast!

*Of course, this isn’t so much for getting ready for your 9-5 as it is for a party or night of dancing.
**While the actual name of an actual local liquor store, this applies to many local liquor shoppes.

in conversation: part deux

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Yesterday, we tackled the conversations between my husband and I. Today, let’s look at what happens with coworkers.

Me: (Looking at inspiration photos for a bath design.) Man, these people really love toothbrushes.
(Co-workers J and K come over to look at the photo on my computer, where there are three toothbrush holders with toothbrushes on the corner and a box of toothbrushes in the open drawer.)
K: They’re a dentist.
Me: But the toothbrushes aren’t packaged!
K: Not a dentist.
Me: I mean, I can see using old toothbrushes for cleaning or something, but you wouldn’t keep them all together, right?
J: No, I don’t know what that is.
Me: I mean, I have a couple of old toothbrushes for cleaning but they’re with cleaning supplies. Except for the toothbrush I use for my taxidermy. That’s with my taxidermy stuff. (I then recount the conversation with G about my taxidermy toothbrush. Before I finish:)
K: Did G shake his head and sigh?
Me: Yeah. Oh, then there’s the toothbrush I use on my rat when I give her a bath.
J: Remind me to never use a toothbrush at your house.
Me: It’s not like I keep them all in the toothbrush holder with the toothbrushes we use in our mouths!

Unlike these people.


At lunch, we are discussing pandas. Coworker J mentions how her husband doesn’t like that people have to dress like pandas when handling pandas.
Me: Well, their coloring has to do with their sight. They can only see in high contrast, so when they see another panda they know it’s another panda because of the distinct markings. The handlers dress like pandas, because then the pandas think they too, are pandas.

(At this point, my brain makes it’s usual leaps.)

Like my rat. Rats don’t have great eyesight, so they sniff a lot to figure out what things are around them. She gets really sniffing sometimes, and I can hear it. It’s kind of hilarious and adorable.

My coworker, C, is looking at me quizzically for a moment. Then,
C: Oh, you mean your live rat. For a minute I thought you were talking about your taxidermied rat. Whew, for a minute I was trying to figure out if you were crazy.
Me: Yeah, of course, it’s Billy Corgan. My taxidermied rat doesn’t really do much of anything.

So, there you have it. I might just be the queen of weird conversation.

in conversation

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Many of the conversations around our house end in G sighing deeply and shaking his head.

Some examples:

Me: You know what would be amazing? Building a chess set out of taxidermied squirrels.
G: How did I wind up married to the Janitor? *sigh* *head shake*

Me: Not that you will, but just in case you want to use the pink toothbrush on my nightstand, don’t.
G: Um, ooooh….kay.
Me: Just because I used it to brush the squirrel.
G: *sigh* *head shake*

Me: O.M.G. If I get this taxidermied peacock, we can name him Mr. Peabody.
Me: Z.O.M.G. Then, if we could find a taxidermied peahen, she could be Mrs. Peabody. Then, when we have guests, we can say, *old timey speak* “Come on in. The Peabodies are already here, they’re in the living room.”
Me: I think Mr. Peabody would be a haberdasher. We can put him on a perch, surrounded by wee hats on wee hat stands. He would model the hats, of course.
G: *sigh* *head shake*

Hmmm. Now that I think about it, most of these conversations also start with taxidermy. I might be on to something here.

hide yo’ kids!

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Usually, I don’t pay any attention to the names in our wi-fi list. Ours shows up at the top, and if I’m reconnecting to the interwebs, that’s all I need.

However, there were a couple of times recently that ours wasn’t showing up right away and I perused the neighbors’ various wi-fi network names while I waited. Most are pretty boring. However, a couple of gems stood out.

First, there was this tribute to Antoine:

hide yo kids

Clever, no?

Then there was this one:
Ravenclaw wi-fi

I kind of wish there was a way to know who belonged to these. I mean, a fellow Ravenclaw?? That does not happen very often. I kind of want to hang out with them in the common room. Unless they are our crazy neighbors. In which case, I would get them expelled from Hogwarts.