Sunday, May 05, 2024 22:07


linked: summer vacation

So, last week there was no linked post because I was on vacation and the post would have been anemic to say the least. However, I was still on vacation over the last week and while I now have more links, it will still not be the beefiest linked post ever.*

I’m not the outdoorsy type, particularly when the sun is full strength and the heat is rising. However, I thought these summer hacks were cool, particularly for you summer-loving folks.

My folks are avid watchers of both Dragons’ Den and Shark Tank (In case I haven’t mentioned it, I do miss having access to all the Canadian shows). Since I spent my vacation with them, I got to see lots of both. There are some great ideas out there, and some tragic. I wasn’t fully into the hoodie pillow after seeing it on Shark Tank this week, but the more I read, the more I think I need one!

I often feel overwhelmed by the tasks looming over me each day. I’m guessing you can relate? I think I will start implementing these tips for simplifying my day.

I am so hooked on Game of Thrones! I was struggling to keep track of almost all the characters at first, but now that I’m reading the books I am faring a bit better. I do love that a kid quizzed his dad on the character names after this season’s finale, and posted the results.

On the subject of Game of Thrones, I know a lot of people were shocked after the Red Wedding episode. I read it first, so I was less shocked at the episode. During the book, I wasn’t all that surprised. I mean, those poor dumb Starks. Either way, I do think this Princess Bride/GoT mashup is pretty spot on. (Note:If you don’t know what the Red Wedding is-just don’t watch it. You know, spoilers.)

I think my favorite thing over the last couple of weeks, though, is this video of obscene gestures around the world. I know I will be using the gesture for “I am ignoring you” frequently.

*I have been feeling like I’ve been lazy for my Sunday Squirrel and Linked posts being my only completely regular posts so far. However, while on vacation I realized how much work they are to put together, so I feel less lazy. I am still working on getting posts up each day regularly!! I promise!

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