Friday, May 03, 2024 19:16


things to do, things to do…

Well, after all the anticipation, T-day is done and over. It was a delightful holiday, spent with friends. I made my famous cranberry sauce and vanilla sweet potatoes. The hosts provided the bulk of the food, including a yummy turkey, mashed potatoes, wild rice, mushroom gravy (which was fab), homemade dill bread, stuffing, and pumpkin cheesecake and apple pie. Another guest provided chop salad, which was delish. We ate, we drank wine, and partook in festivities. These included watching Drop Dead Gorgeous (a film that never ceases to be HI-larious), Christmas Vacation (which is sort of funny, then Eddie arrives and it becomes hysterical), some Trivial Pursuit (which I was in the lead when we had to stop playing because we started playing), some Wii (cooler than I thought it would be) and finally chatting till the wee hours.
So, Wii. Cooler than I thought…but not sure it would be worth it for me to own. I liked the sports stuff, and thought it was pretty cool that you create your Mii and you watch it copy your movements. It’s a lot like you are actually playing whichever sport is mimicked. However, the video games I like are pretty old school, and I can play them on our now obsolete XBox. OF course, since they are pretty much sold out everywhere, it’s not something I really need to concern myself with anyway.
Poor G had to work both Thanksgiving eve, and Thanksgiving night. He sort of assumed he would have to work, but he also assumed it would be his normal schedule of going in at 10. About a week ago he was told that his shift the day before would be two hours shorter, because he would have to work a 12 hour shift on Thanksgiving…starting at 6pm and going till 6am. Kind of a bummer. He got to eat with us, but then had to take off. Boo.
However, getting off at six, he stopped at Best Buy on the way home to score us some early bird goodies. I was hoping to truly celebrate Buy Nothing Day, but there were some deals we couldn’t pass up. Also, he was up and all. So, he got the new video card we needed for our computer. He also got me a replacement radio for my car. It was a really good deal at $49, and it has a CD player, recognizes/plays MP3 files, and has a jack so if I get a Zune, I can plug that in. It came with free speakers, which I don’t know if we’ll use, but it’s not like we have to keep them either. Also, they made a mistake on the ad, and it said it included free installation. They usually don’t include it on the cheaper models, but they printed it with the wrong system, so we bring in the ad to our install appointment and they do it for free. So, pretty soon I will have tunes in my car again. Hooray! We also padded our DVD collection with some titles we’d been wanting anyway. The prices for them was the same or slightly more than a rental, so it was worth it. G also got a couple of toys he’d been waiting on, but that’s for him to elaborate on.
I had to work at 2:30. It was crazy hat day at work, so I grabbed the craziest hat in my house. It’s a children’s hat that G’s mom bought for him because it was funny. It’s a stuffed Chinese dragon hat, made to look like the head of one of those giant dragon puppets that they have in parades and such. It was for the Chinese New Year, for the year of the Dragon. Since G is a dragon, it was highly appropriate. It was by far the craziest hat, and it got lots of smiles out of people. When I came in, my fellow coordinator said that no one could complain about me while I was wearing that hat. Overall, the store wasn’t too busy. Not great for the bottom line, but good for getting some stuff done. On my lunch break, I’d hoped to read some of the paper. However, someone was a couple of milliseconds before me in grabbing the two sections I wanted. So, I ate. She finished her break before me, so I grabbed those sections. Someone had already stolen the crossword I was after, so I moved on to the Local News. Someone had removed the entire middle chunk, so it was just the outer pages (as in pages one and two, and whatever the last two pages were. I guess they left the right part. I flip open the section (or what’s left) and there’s my picture! It was a promo shot for the show, with my name and character, and all the info. Kind of cool. The only unfortunate part is that they did not tell us in advance we were having pictures, so it is not the best picture of me ever, but still, there I am. If I ever start a theatre scrapbook, I will put it in there.
Today, we will order our floor for our kitchen. This means we’ll have an actual deadline to finish painting and putting in the ceiling. I am so excited to rip out the gross carpet in the hallway and the hideous vinyl in the kitchen. Seriously, I hate carpeting…hate it. Also, our vinyl floor is such a pattern that it always looks dirty. Even if you’ve been on your hands and knees scrubbing it, and no more dirt is coming off, it still looks dirty. The tile we chose is a kind that always looks clean. So, when I scrub it I don’t need to get all compulsive and keep scrubbing and scrubbing for naught. I can scrub it, and feel somewhat satisfied. Does this mean I’m old? I’m all excited about ceramic tile.
Of course, it’s more work today, then our weekly dance outing. I have to figure out what I am going to wear, and make sure I have enough sleep since I have to work at 8am tomorrow. EEK! Yet, so worth it for the amount of fun I have. This week is going to be hectic, with tech week, the show opening, and trying to get our painting done. I guess that keeps me out of trouble, right?

One Response to “things to do, things to do…”

  1. Lala says:

    I want a Wii!! I love the Zelda games!!

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