Saturday, May 04, 2024 04:02


wrapped up in the pleasures of the world

I feel it necessary to write the obligatory Thanksgiving post. There is much to be thankful for, which I sometimes have to remind myself of.
First, we are on our way to spend the day with friends. Drinking wine, eating turkey, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. I am thankful for my friends. All of them. These are the people who have been there for me whether they are near or far, and love me despite all my shortcomings.
I am thankful we have people to spend thanksgiving with. While I would love to be with my family this year, it is not possible. Yet I will be surrounded by people I care about. I am also thankful that we have someplace to go, as our place is not in any shape to host this year. I am thankful that we will have plenty of food on the table.
I am thankful for my sweetie. While not perfect, he is perfect for me. I feel blessed by the memories we share, and look forward to the future. We got engaged the day after thanksgiving seven years ago, so it seems especially appropriate to mention him today.
I am thankful for my family. They’ve done a whole lot for me, and while I try to return the favor, I know I often fall terribly short. I’ve got parents who still take care of me, even though I am “grown up” and live miles away. I have a sister who is a great friend, and who is wonderful fun to be with. I’ve got a niece and nephews who never cease to amaze me. They are all pretty awesome.
I am thankful for our rituals. We sometimes have to abandon them, but I love going out dancing every saturday night at Ground Zero. I love seeing familiar faces, whether or not I know them personally, there is something comforting about seeing them each week. I love feeling at home, and I love shaking off whatever ills may have fallen through the week. I love our weekly game night/karaoke nights. I enjoy seeing friends, feeling like a rock star if even for a few moments at a time. I love that some of my friends have come from these rituals, and that they have become very dear to me. I love our late night food outings. I love that we can walk into our favorite places, and just like Cheers, they know us. That is pretty awesome
I am thankful for kitties. Especially our kitties. They may piss me off sometimes, but no matter how low I am feeling, they always make me feel better. Heck, even strange kitties make me feel better.
I am thankful for music. I love music, it is a huge part of my rituals. It can turn an entire day around, just hearing the right song. I love dancing to it and just getting lost in it. I love going to concerts and feeling the energy. It is an amazing thing.
While there are a lot of things that anger me or make me sad, it is nice to have a day to put that aside and just remember the good. Sometimes it is hard to do. I like that there is a day, outside of religious perameters, a day that is for everyone to enjoy and to be blessed. That there are people who give up spending the day for themselves, and go out in hopes that they may offer something to those less fortunate, those who perhaps have less to be thankful for.
I am thankful for you. That you read my ramblings, sometimes comment, and that you are a part of my life. You are good people. Happy Thanksgiving.

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