Sunday, May 12, 2024 13:32



Wow. Continuous posting: Day five. I went on what the movie advertisments would refer to as a “roaring rampage of blogging.”
yeah, i saw the second half of Kill Bill yesterday. Freakin’ awesome. As G attested, it really should have been one movie. However, even in two servings, it was freaking awesome. Dare I say, Quentin Tarantino’s best film to date! (Prior to this, I would have said Pulp Fiction, and as I consider KB to be one film, Pulp Fiction would be number two. And while I like jackie Brown, I feel it is his weakest film)
Anyway, everything about it was cool, visually cool….I love, love, love how each chapter has it’s own style and feel. Everything from live-action anime, to actual anime, to old-school Kung-fu, to good old fashioned Tarantino, ala Reservoir Dogs. The fight choreography was amazing, the film was funny, hell, I even developed a soft spot for ol’ Bill.. And, I am still thinking about what transpired in the film. I can’t wait for the DVD, and am hoping that in true-Tarantino style, it is kick-ass, full of features, and hopefully, the whole movie from beginning to end.
I could go on, but I worry I will spoil the film for the uninitiated. I’ll suffice it to say, I want to learn some ass-shopping kung fu, some Samurai sword skillz, and I want Bill’s sofa (which I am pretty sure is a Todd Oldham sofa, who by the way if he weren’t gay, he would be mine, oh yes, he would be mine) Anyhoo…it is an all around hot movie.
Now, me not being Harvey freakin Weinstein, not only would I have made Kill Bill one kick-ass film, I also would not have greenlit the remake of Shall We Dance?. I can’t buy the movie on stinking DVD, but they are trying an americanized version of the film. The whole thing infuriates me, as the film was, in part, a commentary on the Japanese culture, and the expectations that are held for, in this case, a businessman. In the film, it is worse that he turns to dancing, than to sex. Why not re-release the original, with this same ridiculous marketing push they are giving to this drivel starring J-Lo. If you have seen the original film, which by the way, was only made in 1996…no reason for a remake..I’m sure you understand. I am seriously pissed about the whole thing. First of all, how dare they assume that everything needs to be americanized, and secondly how dare the public allow ourselves to be treated as though we are not capable of understanding the subtley of the original. If it’s not one’s cup of tea, that’s one thing, but to blatantly remake something kidergarten schoolteacher style makes me livid. Not to mention, if this crap is available for purchase prior to the original, I’m gonna go all Black Mamba on someone.
Can you tell I am passionate about artist intentions? Down with the Weinsteins!
Whew…got that off my chest.
The Weinsteins don’t know Kung fu do they??

2 Responses to “BILL”

  1. Alliecat says:

    So, what exactly is ass-shopping Kung fu?
    BTW Did you catch Tarantino on Jimmy Kimmel Live 4/20?

  2. Raven says:

    I have no freaking clue what ass-shopping Kung Fu is. I know I wrote it and all…but there it is, and I don’t know why. Maybe I meant to say ass-kicking, and kicking made me think of shoes which made me think of shopping…maybe I was thinking chopping…i really do not know.
    And yes, I did catch that show. Hi-freaking-larious.
    p.s. I am using freaking more often to attempt to make this site family friendly. Okay not really, I just like to spice things up y’know. make it nice, for the people.

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