Friday, May 17, 2024 11:46


What a busy day

Sigh…I just remembered reading the above titled book as a child. My sister thought I was so adorable, she tape recorded me reading it in my little voice (which at that time, was also able to accurately reproduce ET’s voice…frightening). She then proceeded to pretend to be a reporter interviewing me. I don’t remember much, except that when describing her, I said she was kind of short and stubby. She may be short, but she sure ain’t stubby. I knew that at the time, yet somehow thought it was a cool thing to say.
The last few days have been full of excitement…well, at least for me. You see, I have been on hiatus for the last year-and-a-half or so. I don’t mean just from one thing…from life. I am finally stepping back in….getting a feel for things…seeing if I want to pick it up full time again.
Friday, my day off. I actually showered, got dressed, and left the house. You see, if it weren’t for work, I would lie in bed all the time. My wardrobe would only consist of Pajamas…nice pajamas. I left the house, acting on my own free will, and went to the bank and the grocery store. I couldn’t tell you the last time I went to the bank before this. I’ve been to the grocery store, but only if G takes me…and he sort of has to force me to go…and I wear my pajamas.
Saturday, G was geeking around, so I joined my friend LaLa for some scrapbooking. I already know what you are thinking…no, I am not a soccer mom with too much time on her hands. I always thought scrapbooking was either for kids who ate paste, or for dorky soccer moms. I thought scrapbook pages were frou-frou things covered with stickers, and pre-fab letters….nothing an artist like myself would ever consider doing. Then I realized, that like every other stinking thing I do…I don’t have to follow what everyone else does. So, I have finally started a scrapbook. I started with the trip I took to jolly old England in 1997. I realize that I can make it me. Anyway, we were at the scrapbooking lady’s home…and she was hawking her scrapbooking tools. Some of which I did need (not only for scrapbooking, but for other artsy functions) and some I chose to ignore (like letter stickers). Despite having been chided previously for including things like airline tickets and other non-archival quality things, I did it anyway. After all, it may be selfish of me, but this scrapbook is for me, for now. If anyone else is into it, cool…but I don’t feel the need to force my memories on anyone else. Anyway, I was very scrapbookish…though I felt outclassed. I do need to get more scrapbook equipped, but I will never be a scrapbooking lady with the scary rolling tote. That’s just going too far.
**Ed note. I am not intending to offend any soccer moms, letter-sticker-users, or rolling tote people, or imply that any of these things are in any way related. If that’s your thang…that’s cool…it just ain’t mine. And I am perfectly content to co-exist with you, for our differences make us interesting**
After spending the night at Las, I left for home. In my pajamas. My halloween pajamas. I proceeded to get gas, in white-bread suburbia, which required me to go into the convenience store to pay, in my screaming orange Halloween pants. It was oddly satisfying.
Somewhere in there, I cleaned my closet. I actually put some shoes in the yard sale box, along with some clothes. I found things that I forgot I owned, and remembered that I should wear some things that were hiding in back. I also discovered that I can wear my favorite jeans again, and am close to getting into those last three pairs of skinny pants. It was satisfying.
Of course, cleaning the closet made room for the bargains I found on Monday! At K-mart, I found super cute Mary-jane-athletic-mules. The were $3. I bought a pair in red. I found them comfy…I shall return tomorrow to buy a pair in black, and one in Brown. The red ones match lots of my pajama pants, and I look forward to wearing the shoes with pajamas and cropped pants all summer long.
Last night, I auditioned for the first time in I don’t know how long. I was terrified, and as usual before an audition, I talked myself out of it, then back in several times. However, I spiffed myself up, and with G dropping me off at the door, I went for it. Fortunately, I ran into a friend, which helped. And despite auditioning with a man who could have been in Waiting for Guffman (he was nice), I thought I did okay. Today consisted of me trying not to vomit from the anxiety of waiting for a callback…but alas, the phone didn’t ring. (well, it did…but it was mostly telemarketers and bill collectors, but that doesn’t count).
Oh well, that’s life. I think I might do this life thing full time.

2 Responses to “What a busy day

  1. GSeven says:

    So, it sounds to me like:
    A) I never should have bought you those pajamas. (Yes, technically they were a gift from my mother….but I was the one who dropped the hint to her.)
    B) I need to geek around more and therefore spur social activity on your part.
    C) Practice retreating into my cave and finding my power animal should you whip out some ET/Satan voice on me.

  2. Raven says:

    Well, it sounds to me like:
    A) You should buy me more of those pajamas (like the lime green koi fish ones)
    B)You geek out too much, and that has nothing to do with my social activity. I am a hermit!
    3) Power Cave? You think I’m Satan? I do nothing but give…and this is where I get.

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