Sunday, May 19, 2024 00:10


My name is Raven, and i watch reality television.

All your blog are belong to us.
So as usual, my day off has come and (nearly) gone. Every time friday approaches, I start out with big plans. Today for instance, I was going to finish cleaning out the office, move my sewing machine in there and create a sewing corner, clean the kitchen, and move some furniture in the living room. Instead, I slept in, made some eggs and tea, checked my e-mail watched Days of our Lives and Starting over (don’t give me too hard of a time…I only watch them on Fridays…and not every Friday at that). I did manage to load the dishwasher, sweep the kitchen floor and throw the kitchen rugs in the washer. Then my stomach was bugging me, so I lay down in bed, and proceeded to fall asleep. (the bed was so warm…plus there was a cat there) I woke up when GSeven came home from work. However, this did not motivate me. I stayed in bed to watch some Friday night TV, and he brought me some dinner. Such an exciting life. Maybe next
Friday I will get on the ball.
Tomorrow I get to work…but I also get to go to Matrix Revolutions on IMAX. I saw the movie twice the first week it came out, but that’s been a while, plus it wasn’t on a HUGE screen. I am really excited, except that i can’t have any of the fun movie accoutrements. No popcorn, or snocaps…it is my own fault though. nearly two weeks ago, I started this South Beach Diet in hope to lose about 30 pounds. It is a three phase diet, so that one can change his or her diet to be healthy. I only have until Monday on the first phase…but let me tell you it’s hard. Mainly because I am a carb-addict. If there was a way to live on bread, and potatoes and cereal…i could happily do it. Unfortunately, that’s not healthy. So, for the first two weeks of this thing, no bread. No potatoes. No cereal. AUGH!!! So, I’ve had eggs of some sort every day for the last ten days. Don’t get me wrong, I like eggs…but every day? It’s sad that I am looking forward to Tuesday so that I can have some toast, and maybe even some whole grain pasta for dinner. yummmm.
So, I got sucked into watching the Apprentice last week. So, of course I had to watch it last night. I swore I would never get into this whole reality televsion thing. I never saw Survivor (the band or the show), or Who wants to marry a millionaire…ro any of those. Then, I watched The Simple Life . Granted, it was only a few episodes, but oddly, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot. Now it’s The Apprentice. I even got G to watch it with me last night…then we discussed it. We don’t know any of these people. It doesn’t really make a difference to us what happens to Donald Trump’s companies. However, we have no problem sitting on the sofa, debating who should be fired, which team had the better plan, who has the talent. What we would do if we were there. I’ve become ‘one of those people.’
But, I can quit anytime.

2 Responses to “My name is Raven, and i watch reality television.”

  1. GSeven says:

    Now wait, you started with an admission and then ended with a denial. I think it’s back to Step 1 of 12 for you!

  2. susan says:

    i started my wee bloggy in september and thought it would probably keep my attention for the usual length, i.e. blink and i’m over it… nah, i’m addicted and have to update and check and tweak every day… welcome to blogland… p.s. g7 sent me here after i commented on his blog. have blogrolled you both for future reference.

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