Sunday, May 05, 2024 11:44


Pardon my spelling…

All you need is blog, blog…blog is all you need….
You may notice a new spelling in my title today. See, I had G help me set this bad boy up…and I trusted him with the spelling, which turned out to be wrong. I know you’ve been thinking to yourself that I am a dumbass…and you could even come right out and say it, but for the record, I was not a dumbass in this case.
So, you’ve hopefully noticed by now that I have strange grammatical structure in this here blog. Since this isn’t formal writing, I write in the manner in which I speak. Therefore there will be a whole lot of ellipses. I like them. I also add commas here and there for a little extra flavor. If things get too spicy, sorry, I’m just a spicy kind of gal.
This weekend turned out to be pretty non-productive. I worked on Saturday. It sucked to get up so early, but money is nice. I like having a roof over my head and food in my belly. Then we did Revolutions at the IMAX. It freakin’ rocked (ed note: I like to sear. A LOT. I will attempt to curb my language, as I did here, but don’t count on it)! I was dissappointed that we had to wait so long to see it there, but it was well worth it. We heard noises we’d never heard in the film before. It was as though we were there. I would say in the Matrix…but there isn’t a whole lot of Matrix. We talked to the manager after the show, and apparently our IMAX was slated to receive the film for the actual release. However, all the local multiplexes whined about this, and Warner Brothers gave in, and withheld the movie from the IMAX theatre we went to, despite having a contract. *Boo*hiss*corporations are evil*hiss* I don’t really understand. I mean, the medium is still an enthusiast’s medium for features. Also, the IMAX has one screen…one. Yes I am sure that one screen will really hurt the tens of screens the multiplexes have. Also, IMAX is much more expensive than the standard multiplex. It’s apples and oranges, people! Am I bitter? Always. However, The Prisoner of Azkaban is scheduled to be released simultaneously in IMAX, also, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Polar Express are also scheduled. I am definitely there for the new Harry Potter installment. I am already formulating a fabulous costume to wear, because, yes, I am that geeky. I’m a huge fan of Chris Van Allsburg, And Polar Express is a holiday tradition for me, so I can’t wait to see the film. My only reservation is that they could totally bastardize it, much in the way that Jumanji was. Speaking of which, when I get the scanner hooked up again, a picture of Mr. van Allsburg and me will be posted (again, I am that geeky). Finally, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I am already certain that this film will be in-fucking-credible. I liked Willy Wonka, but I am hoping for something more like the book. Besides, Tim Burton was born to make this film. And Johnny Depp will be a fantastic Willy Wonka. Hell, I may go in costume to that one!
So, I am a movie nerd. Ideally. I will actually be involved in films such as these, but for now, I will drool and sigh over the brilliant people that make them.
We ate at Khan’s Mongolian Barbeque after the film. First of all, let’s just say, I am not their number one fan. I got started on Mongolian BBQs by BD’s. They are now a chain, but their food quality is amazing, you get more options, and the guys behind the grill are very talented. Khan’s (despite what G says) doesn’t hold a candle to BD’s. We arrived at the place, it was busy. G put our name in, and we were told it was a 30-45 minute wait. Just in case, we came up with a plan B, and when we called that place, it was a two-and-a-half hour wait, so we stuck around. We waited for 50 minutes. Then the woman gets us, and tells us to hang on. She gets a table ready. She gets another table ready. She then takes us to a different (not bussed) table, before finally taking us to our actual table. We got our included appetizers, and I ate a naughty food 🙁 (but it was good), and ordered drinks. Two of us got tea, G got water, and our friend Wade ordered a riesling. the tea and water came, we went to get our first bowls of food. I had shrimp, as it was the only seafood option (no calamari…or tofu for a veggie bowl)…the other meats were shaved, and every one looked like bacon to me, ugh. They have a few sauces, but no seasoning or spices. We got to the grill, and mine was finished first. Apparently the guy thought I wanted peanuts in my bowl. I had a boatload (there I go being polite again) of them in my food. Thank the gods I am not allergic!! . We ate our first bowls, got seconds, and somehwere in there, Wade’s wine showed up. We’d forgotten he’d ordered it. I did nibble on a little dessert…naughty again. The food wasn’t bad, but the quality wasn’t great. It also made me nervous that they had the extra high chairs and chairs stacked up in front of the emergency exit. I personally was not impressed enough to go back (I wasn’t the last time I was there either)…but I have a feeling that it is inevitable.
Well, now I get to make a dent in the mountain of laundry, and keep an eye on our dryer that is still not fixed (at least it has been looked at, just not fixed) to be sure nothing bakes in there.
Wow, I feel domestic.

One Response to “Pardon my spelling…”

  1. GSeven says:

    OK. First of all, I SWEAR that Word said that it was spelled SQUIRRELL. {grumble}
    BTW, Geeky? Geeky? Try ultra-geeky.

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