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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

state of exhaustion

Monday, September 3rd, 2007

leaf guard squirrel.jpg
Just a portion of our marathon day at the fair. It didn’t occur to me when I ran into the street to pose for this how unflattering said pose would be…ah well.
So, Saturday we made it to the Great Minnesota Get Together aka the State Fair. G and I enjoy ourselves some fair goodness, however we tend not to take it too seriously. We aren’t gluttons for deep fried food, we aren’t big on the midway, and we generally don’t have much of a plan for when we’ll see what. We usually wander a bit, and head for home. Our usual food stops are generally limited to malts at Empire Commons (breakfast!) grilled sweet corn for me and Pronto Pups for Geoff (for those not in the know–Pronto Pups are not corn dogs), and a bucket of Sweet Martha’s cookies. Once in a while we’ll add in a sno cone or some cheese curds. That is pretty seldom, though.
This year we stepped outside our box a bit. We met up with our friend J and a friend of his around 11 in the Empire Commons. We had planned to arrive earlier, but silly things like misplaced sunscreen delayed our departure. (Had to stop and pick some up. Factor 70. Applied often through the day.) We indeed started with our malts as usual. However, we decided to try and conquer the Callboard Photo Hunt while at the fair. While we still kept to a relaxed wander…we made much more of an effort to hit things like automotive displays. We split cheddar cheese curds four ways. We drank beer. We got lots of crazy pictures.
We saw a huge chunk of the fair, including an outside look at the side show. Now, i find sideshows fascinating in general. However, this sideshow just seemed sad. A worse for the wear ringmistress stood outside trying for a sexy dominatrix thing, but instead hit the mark of aging lady of the night with a hint of Anne Robinson. We stood and looked on for a bit as she announced that included in their show was one of the remaining munchkins from the Wizard of Oz, a wee man named Poomba. In theory I would love to see one of the Munchkins. However, this little man just looked sad. He looked worn down and out with this sense of desperation for something that was long gone. It wasn’t bearable to watch for long, and did not lure me in to shell out money for the real show inside. Instead we continued on.
We watched some of the guys from Third Lair perform. It was pretty damn impressive. I wasn’t expecting much, since they were working with such a small space, but they really worked it. It always boggles my mind how someone gets to the point these guys are at. How do you wake up one day and decide your going to try and do a triple somersault on a bike? Balls. Pure Balls. Also watching the show was this girl who was the kind of girl I want to be when I grow up. She had this sweater purse, knitted with a skull and crossbone pattern. Freaking adorable. My eyes traveled down to one of the most amazing tattoos I have ever seen. She had this gorgeous, rather realistic dragon snaking in and out of her flesh up the side of her calf. Ridiculously hot. If I had her calves, I would love to rock such a tat myself. Alas, not to be.
We checked out the dogs in the pet buildings. I saw the Chinese Cresteds. I have been running into these dogs a lot lately, and it was nice to be able to put a name to the breed. They are crazy fascinating little guys. I would love to have one. Maybe around the time G finally succumbs into letting me have a Sphinx cat.
We never made it over to the animal barns, and I missed the international market and Horticulture building, which made me a little sad. However, at a certain point, we hit a wall. This, in my case, was due in part to the sudden stinging, blinding pain in my eye. Something must have gotten in there, or it got scratched, but we realized it was time to hang it up for the day. Luckily, before we were able, Click and No Name Slob found us! They were in town for just a bit to get to the fair…I was so pleased to get to see them. They are two of my favorite people, and I can only aspire to be as utterly awesome as they.
On the shuttle back to our car, we realized we spent a solid eight hours at the fair. Considering the heat, and how the sun is my arch nemesis, I think we did pretty darn well. We had big plans to hit a party and then the club afterwards, however, we barely made it to the party before our bed was calling our names.
It was a fun day, albeit exhausting. Yesterday wasn’t so bad, but it finally caught up with me today. I did manage to go for a one mile run, do my lower body strength exercising, and do half an hour on the stationary bike. I’m crossing my fingers it will help counteract the cheese curds and beer.


Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

So, apparently, I hit the 200 mark with my last post….cahrayzy!
Anyhow, I was on the internets, and found this:
goth prom candid.jpg
Anyone look familiar???
Crazy, yo…crazy.
And, just a reminder…Otter…tonight!!!


Monday, May 15th, 2006

This is freaking awesome. And, yes, I have used both systems…and I still don’t like Macs.
Clicky for the funny.

because i feel like ass…

Sunday, April 16th, 2006

So, being horizontal for two days, being barfy and in pain, has made me lazy…so instead of a real post…
1. How tall are you barefoot? 5′ 7″ (and a quarter 😉 )
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? I didn’t know it was smokeable….
3. Do you own a gun? no
4. Gone to Rehab? Nope…still in denial
5. Do you get nervous before “meeting the parents”? nah
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I’m a fan of tofu pups…
7. What’s your favorite Christmas song? hmmm….
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? coffee…diet coke…anything with caffiene…
9. Do you do push-ups? Ever? Yes…
10. Have you ever done ecstacy? no.
11. Do you kiss on the first date? umm…if I were to go on a date it might be awkward…having a husband and all…
12. Do you like painkillers? only if I’m in pain…
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
my pasty ass
14. Do you own a knife? no. I just rip things apart with my teeth (seriously…who wrote this???)
15. Do you have A.D.D.? No
16. Date Of Birth? October 25
17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
damn my head hurts…I wonder if the first solid food I’ve had in two days is going to stay down…when am I going to feel beter…
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought:
1. Orange push-up pop
2. plants
3.picture frame
19. Name five drinks you regularly drink:
1. coffee
2. diet coke
3. water
4. jameson
5. coffee
20. What time did you wake up today? I basically slept all day with brief periods of being awake and seeing how much I could move. I took a shower at 5:30ish…so we’ll count that as my rising time…
21.Current hair? blonde layered bob
22. Current worry? that I still feel like ass
23. Current hate? that I still feel like ass (notice a trend?)
24. Favorite place to be? bed
25. Least favorite place to be? work
26. Where would you like to go? I need to get to the coasts to see friends…I should hit Florida to see family…and I want to do some hardcore Eurpoean traveling…
27. Do you own slippers? own? Yes. Wear? no
28. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 yrs? Wealthy and succesful in the theatre and film industries…*positive thoughts, positive thoughts*
29. Do you burn? Like bacon
30. Last thing you ate? Orange push up pop
31. Would you be a pirate? Just like Mary Read, yo.
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? Thursday night.
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? I haven’t sung in the shower in ages…when I used to listen to the radio, I would sing whatever was on…
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? I don’t know…but I had night terrors, so there must have been something…
35. What’s in your pockets right now? no pockets
36. Last thing that made you laugh? watching Raising Arizona earlier
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? ET
38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? After being in a car wreck, my pelvis was fractured in three places, I had a concussion, a separated shoulder, and multiple lacerations (four of shich required stitches)…I’ll spare you the rest of the gory details…
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2
41. Who is your loudest friend? tough call…
42. Who is your most silent friend? hmmm….Trish?
43. Does someone have a crush on you? I’m going to say all the creepy guys that try to hit on me when I’m out…
45. What was the last book you read? I’m in the middle of a Gandhi bio that was written when the film came out…
46. What is your favorite candy? Jolly Ranchers
47. What song do you want played at your wedding? Ummm…for what part? We had a lot of songs, yo.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove by Dead Can Dance
49. What were you doing 12AM last night? Trying to get comfortable in bed…and not having much luck
50. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? I don’t have one, yet I think I will enjoy getting one!

…where was I?

Monday, January 9th, 2006

Oh, yeah…getting the junk out of the trunk.
I left of with my recap of 2005, in May…so here is
June We had to bust ass on getting our laminate floor laid, our living room paint touched up, and cleaning, because we were finally celebrating the infamous G‘s college graduation. We started early for the folks who didn’t want to be out late, and the party wound up finishing early. At least early for us.
At the beginning of the month, my friend, dance and goth girlfriends moved to New York. It was a good choice for her, and I was and am thrilled for her…but missed her the minute she left. Not long after, at the end of June, my good friend, LaLa moved to Spokane due to her husband finding his dream job. I missed her right away too. It’s hard not to be able to see them or go out with them whenever I want. Hopefully, 2006, will allow for visits to both of them.
Also in June, I auditioned for the now infamous Night of January 16th. I am pretty sure that I was cast because every other woman at the auditions was brunette, and I was willing to dye my hair blonde. When I was called back, I was told that the director was looking for more men to audition. I talked G into auditioning…the rest, as they say, is history.
July July saw rehearsals starting for the show. G’s mom came up to visit during the Taste of Minnesota. I went blonde. Huh…
August Insanity! Mid month, we opened January 16th. It would be opening night that G and I made a fateful trip to Decoy’s in White Bear (remind me to tell you why you should never, ever, even with a gun to your head go there). It was then that we were hooked with the Fab Five. This group of G and I and three guys from the show is one of the best things that has happened to me. I have made great friends with these people, and it means a lot to me. My family came out to visit, the whole lot of them The week before the show opened, I had the flu. Second time in 2005. I was miserable during tech. I remember one night, we’re running the show. Everyone is dying from heat. I’m wearing a long-sleeved, black, high-necked, polyester dress, wool felt hat, tights, gloves, and a fur. I was so cold, I was trying not to make my shivering obvious on stage. I recovered, and managed to finish the run, spending lots of time getting cocktails with the fab five, and dragging them out to Ground Zero with us. The show was okay, but the people we met were amazing. Also, it was the first show I’ve ever done, that my dad has seen. I was really excited about that, I just wish it would have featured some of my better work. I even made time at the end of the month to hit the State Fair, and the MN zoo. Lots of fun, and so worth it. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I have a great family. I love them dearly. I wish I could see my niece and nephews more often, they are growing up so fast! My niece is the goth anime girl now, and in her second year of official teenagerdom! My older nephew is the coolest kid in the world. He is kind, helpful, he is so comfortable with himself…he doesn’t let anyone ruffle him, and he is very intelligent. My little nephew is beautiful, and a little too smart for his own good. He loves dinosaurs and lego, can figure out video games faster than most high-school kids (and he’s only eight!). Spending time with them is awesome. Plus, that usually means I get to see my most favoritest sister in the world. She is one of my very best friends, and we get along so well, and have so much fun together. If only she would move closer to us….
September Another crazy month. We closed the show, saw off the family, and won our big trip to California by Movieokeing our hearts out. I decided to take time off from auditioning to maintain my sanity. Other than those things, and working like bees, not much else happened…hmmmm
I would continue, but October and November promise to be long each on their own. I also need to do a few thousand loads of laundry. So, if I am good and get caught up, I will post more later….

weirdest thing…ever…

Sunday, January 8th, 2006

So, I use Gmail, and at the top of the inbox, there’s always a link, or a quote or something. Today it was…
The Original Fecalgram Anonymously send them a box of poop, and see their reaction online.
WTF mates?

junk in the trunk..

Friday, December 30th, 2005

So I realized I am insanely behind in concert reviews, recaps, etc. So, I am just going to do a month-by-month recap of my year. Depending on how long the recaps are, I may split them up.
So here we go!
January Not too eventful. Found out my ex from eight (well, nine, now) years ago wrote me a letter. New Year’s. Was actually hitting the gym pretty hard. And, I got a major haircut and color…short and scarlet and black. That right there was the highlight of the month for me. We also got a crapload of Fruniture from IKEA.
February Super cool Valentine’s Day. Got roses, and an amazing dinner at Forepaugh’s. Still working out, though i stepped it up a notch. Started to assemble some furniture…though not much yet. Get rushed to the emergency room for excruciating stomach pains, and they can find nothing wrong, so I miss several days of work recuperating, and taking vicodin.
March G lost his job. We go to the big Rubber Ball at Ground Zero, which was such an insane blast. My friend Leanna and I rocked out all night long, drinking and dancing until the wee hours. We traveled out to see my family. While there, I had to go bra shopping, since none of mine were fitting. I thought I would have to go up a cup size. HA! I walked out of the store with a 34F. I nearly cried. Bras are not cute in that size. Granted, I looked much better in one that actually fit, but I was bummed. Fortunately, my breasts flucuate in size enough that I don’t have to wear it too often. But still, it depresses me to pull it out. I think G didn’t mind, though.
April We come back from vacation. G and I discover Movieoke. We have gone pretty much every Sunday ever since. G goes into the hospital. He had a stomach bug, which turned into DKA . SO, he was going to have to stay a couple of days. Then, it was discovered that from vomitting so much, he tore a hole in his esophagus. So, he wound up in ICU instead. He had surgeons look at him, infectious disease people, it was scary. I spent the week sleeping at the hospital when not working. We had to cancel our trip to California to go to the Coachella Music Festival. On the bright side, the endocrinologist that looked at G said he would be an excellent candidate for an insulin pump.
May Since we weren’t in Cali, we went to the Goth Prom. so much fun, except G and I were feeling crappy. Next year we will rock the house, though. Through April and May, we actually build a lot of our furniture, and install half of our laminate floor. Starting to feel like grown-ups. Sort-of.
All right, that seems long enough. and I know I have some coming that are even longer, the more I play catch up. So, that will be another post for another day.

procrastinate? not me…

Friday, December 30th, 2005

So, I should be folding some laundry, working out, perhaps writing a real blog entry or two, and doing some bra shopping. Instead, I shall do this girly meme that I stumbled upon. Feel free to nap through it if you like.
01. Do you have on a lot of make-up?
Not at the moment. For work or sleep I don’t wear any. However, if I’m going out, I glam it up.
02. How much do you put on?
for going out…foundation, eyeshadow (usually 2 colors), eyeliner, mascara, sometimes lipstick. If I’m feeling especially saucy or glam, I add glitter and rhinestones around my eyes.
03. How long does it take you to get ready?
For work: if I don’t have to do my hair, about 20 minutes (including morning shower) To go out, it’s about half-an-hour once I choose clothes. If I need to style my hair, add another 10 or 15 minutes in there.
04. Do you put on a lot of lipgloss?
Lipbalm…does that count? Sometimes I like a little gloss..
05. Does your lipgloss smell good?
the lipbalm does, the gloss does not.
06. Do you carry a purse?
07. What color is it?
Currently red.
09. Do you have a Coach bag?
Hahahaha…that’s funny.
10. Do you have a Louis Vuttion?
see above. I think that it’s insane to spend that much on a purse. Especially since i like to change them out every so often.
11. How many purses do you have?
I don’t feel like counting them…but it’s a lot.
12. Do you like to wear nailpolish?
Sometimes, but because of work, the polish chips fast 🙁
13. How often do you get your nails done?
rarely. I prefer to spend my money on other stuff…
14. Do you like manicures?
15. What about pedicures?
16. Do you have a usual nail salon you go to?
I have a friend who works in a day spa, and I usually go to here, because she’s good, and doesn’t do anything shady.
17. Where do you get your hair cut?
The Hair Police in Mpls, by Satya (she rocks hardcore…I highly recommend her!)
18. Do you dye your hair?
19. Do you straighten your hair?
Hahahaha…that’s funny…my hair is so straight it won’t hold a perm.
20. Do you have lots of pairs of shoes?
No…of course not…okay, you beat it out of me…I have some, but not enough. I haven’t counted them recently.
21. What are your favorite shoes?
Do I have to pick just one pair???? If I do, it would be my Franco Sarto strappy boots (I have three pairs of them, two patent, one matte)
23. Do you wear heels everywhere?
Not at my full time job (8 hours on concrete…eek!), but just about everywhere else…including my part time job.
24. Can you walk in heels and not fall over?
25. Where do you buy your clothes?
Wherever I see something I like. Goodwill, HotTopic, JC Penney’s, Frederick’s, Nordstrom’s rack, Ebay…
26. Do you go shopping every week?
Not for clothes.
27. What’s your favorite store?
HotTopic and Frederick’s of Hollywood. Though, I love perusing Lip Service on line and drooling…
28. How much do you usually spend?
IT depends on what I’m shopping for and if there’s a sale.
29. Have you ever been in Dior?
30. Do you follow fashion trends?
Not so much. I wear what looks good on me, and flatters my figure. Sometimes, I’m the one setting the trends…
31. Do you have a pair of huge sunglasses?
Hell no, I think they are ridiculous!
35. How many pairs of earrings do you have?
Not really gonna count them, but enough.
36. Do you wear hoop earrings?
I have a few pairs of little ones that I wear in my upper holes..
37. Do you have a lot of skirts?
I don’t know about a lot, but several.
39. Do you get your eye brows done?
Not for a long time. I just do them myself. Speaking of which, I am due to do some grooming (add it to the list)
40. Can you apply mascara without opening your mouth?
41. Do you wear a lot of eyeliner?
Sometimes when I go out.
42. Do you do pilates or yoga?
both, at home.
43. Do you have a lot of magazines?
Not a lot, but I get Real Simple, Martha Stewart Living, and Vogue (the last was a gift, which I appreciate).


Monday, December 19th, 2005

Clicky to find out who you are…

for the second day in a row…

Thursday, December 15th, 2005

…i give you your daily squirrel…