Saturday, May 18, 2024 17:59


…where was I?

Oh, yeah…getting the junk out of the trunk.
I left of with my recap of 2005, in May…so here is
June We had to bust ass on getting our laminate floor laid, our living room paint touched up, and cleaning, because we were finally celebrating the infamous G‘s college graduation. We started early for the folks who didn’t want to be out late, and the party wound up finishing early. At least early for us.
At the beginning of the month, my friend, dance and goth girlfriends moved to New York. It was a good choice for her, and I was and am thrilled for her…but missed her the minute she left. Not long after, at the end of June, my good friend, LaLa moved to Spokane due to her husband finding his dream job. I missed her right away too. It’s hard not to be able to see them or go out with them whenever I want. Hopefully, 2006, will allow for visits to both of them.
Also in June, I auditioned for the now infamous Night of January 16th. I am pretty sure that I was cast because every other woman at the auditions was brunette, and I was willing to dye my hair blonde. When I was called back, I was told that the director was looking for more men to audition. I talked G into auditioning…the rest, as they say, is history.
July July saw rehearsals starting for the show. G’s mom came up to visit during the Taste of Minnesota. I went blonde. Huh…
August Insanity! Mid month, we opened January 16th. It would be opening night that G and I made a fateful trip to Decoy’s in White Bear (remind me to tell you why you should never, ever, even with a gun to your head go there). It was then that we were hooked with the Fab Five. This group of G and I and three guys from the show is one of the best things that has happened to me. I have made great friends with these people, and it means a lot to me. My family came out to visit, the whole lot of them The week before the show opened, I had the flu. Second time in 2005. I was miserable during tech. I remember one night, we’re running the show. Everyone is dying from heat. I’m wearing a long-sleeved, black, high-necked, polyester dress, wool felt hat, tights, gloves, and a fur. I was so cold, I was trying not to make my shivering obvious on stage. I recovered, and managed to finish the run, spending lots of time getting cocktails with the fab five, and dragging them out to Ground Zero with us. The show was okay, but the people we met were amazing. Also, it was the first show I’ve ever done, that my dad has seen. I was really excited about that, I just wish it would have featured some of my better work. I even made time at the end of the month to hit the State Fair, and the MN zoo. Lots of fun, and so worth it. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I have a great family. I love them dearly. I wish I could see my niece and nephews more often, they are growing up so fast! My niece is the goth anime girl now, and in her second year of official teenagerdom! My older nephew is the coolest kid in the world. He is kind, helpful, he is so comfortable with himself…he doesn’t let anyone ruffle him, and he is very intelligent. My little nephew is beautiful, and a little too smart for his own good. He loves dinosaurs and lego, can figure out video games faster than most high-school kids (and he’s only eight!). Spending time with them is awesome. Plus, that usually means I get to see my most favoritest sister in the world. She is one of my very best friends, and we get along so well, and have so much fun together. If only she would move closer to us….
September Another crazy month. We closed the show, saw off the family, and won our big trip to California by Movieokeing our hearts out. I decided to take time off from auditioning to maintain my sanity. Other than those things, and working like bees, not much else happened…hmmmm
I would continue, but October and November promise to be long each on their own. I also need to do a few thousand loads of laundry. So, if I am good and get caught up, I will post more later….

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