Saturday, May 18, 2024 15:16


Why would I go looking for someone who is trying to kill me?

So, last night we braved the wee hours and saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I have to say we had the best costumes. Las and I were, of course, the school girls. She, a Slytherin, I, a Ravenclaw. We Had matching outfits, with authentic PoA ties. The only flaw was that our sweaters and skirts were lighter than those in the movie, but what can you do. G was Sirius Black, in a lovely prison shirt with his prisoner number on the back. The MIL was power-drunk as Professor McGonagall, taking points from the houses left and right. I brought along my owl, who was happy to swivel her head constantly, taking in all the people. Due to Las injury, we sat in the handicapped row, displacing some angsty teens, who apparently don’t understand that the little wheelchair symbol on the seats mean they are for people with disabilities/injuries. we were comfy, though Las ankles were all swollen by the end, as there was no place to prop her injured foot.
Anyhoo, the film was good. V.V. different than the first two. This director didn’t feel the need to explain every single thing. There are a few scenes I felt could have used a little more time, but over all, I liked the pacing. This one was a lot artier than the last two, and funkier. It felt a little Baz Luhrman *drool* to me, which is cool. The Monster book was freaking adorable, and I loved Crookshanks. They finally started alluding to the blossoming romance between Ron and Hermione. (I totally think those two are gonna get together.) And Gary Oldman, even filthy and crazed…still hot.
So, it was a good time, even though I was (am) deathly ill. We are already plotting costumes for Goblet of fire, and dreading the minimum two year wait until the next movie. All I have to say is that J.K. Rowling better get cracking on the next novel!!

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