Tuesday, May 07, 2024 13:39


Sleepless in Saint Paul

Aye Carumba. How did Wednesday come so quickly? No, I mean seriously…get your mind out of the gutter. Oh, that was just my mind…never…ANYWAY…
We finally have some sunshine up in these parts. Yesterday was very Seattle-like, all grey and misty. Otherwise, it has been mostly pouring. In fact it rained for nearly two weeks straight. I like rain as much as the next guy, but that is excessive.
We did have a long enough respite from the rain for fireworks on Monday. G and I, along with some friends chilled on the in-laws’ boat (with the in-laws), ate a lot, drank some, and just had a nice time. I have to say that whoever invented Golden Oreos is the devil. I mean, I love regular Oreos. I twist them apart insuring that both cookies have equal amount of filling, so I feel as though I am eating two cookies instead of one. They are choclately, and sweet, and sandwich-y. But Golden oreos, they are all vanila-y, and and warm tasting, and before you know it, you’ve eaten the whole package. So. Good. Anyway, I ate too much, but the food was soo good. And the fireworks were great. I am a sucker for fireworks. In fact, If G and I weren’t fall sort of people, I would have loved a nightime wedding ceremony on the capital lawn with the fireworks going off over us, back when Taste of Minnesota was held there. That would be sweet. Anyway, to recap, boat, friends, food, drink, fireworks, all good.
Yesterday, the only thing I wanted was a nap. I worked and ran errands, then arrived for my show. We were told we were performing at 7. HAHAHAHA. They meant eight. Two hours to kill, and an empty stomach. I enjoyed some spinach artichoke dip, and some pre-show chatting. The show went well. I didn’t get to see the one immediately following ours, but I saw the other two. The one was funny, cute. The other one should not have been the last show. After watching funny stuff, watching three people give their perspectives on a rape for what felt like at least half an hour, in monologue form, wasn’t very enjoyable. I may have enjoyed it more if the one guy wasn’t talking so much in a blah, blah, blah format for half-an hour. Okay, maybe it wasn’t half-an-hour, but it was way more than ten minutes. Anyhoo, I got a free Guiness out of it, and was mesmerized by the dancing elephants on the Delerium Tremens sign. We’ll know soon if we get to perform again, or what people thought at any rate. I also have to look forward to our drunken cast pool (not necessarily in that order) party. Good Times.
We celebrate a co-workers b-day today. I brought an angel food cake, and my boss brought strawberries which I sliced and fanned in a scalloped pattern around the edge of the cake, then wrote Happy Birthday in red gel frosting on top. I also made chicken caesar salad for everyone. I just wanted to do something nice for my friend, but now everyone says I should be the next Martha Stewart, they were so impressed. Hmmm..that’s one job I would enjoy the hell out of. Decorating and cooking and crafting all day, every day, and getting paid to do it. Cue dream sequence….
Today I actually went to the gym, and worked out for an hour. I felt awkward flashing my id card, with the picture that makes me look like a man since I had no idea I was having a photo taken for that purpose and came from work with my hair in a ponytail and G laughed at me when the guy told me he was going to take my picture because I apparently made a “what the hell?” face, but I got past it. I read some of Alvin Karpis’ tale of life at Alcatraz, and was amused by the other people working out. Now I feel like jello, and still want that nap from yesterday. I think a shower, and laundry, and smoothing out joint compound will take precedence. I will have to keep it up, so that I get in to shape and so that my ass stops sagging and my knees aren’t chubby.
Tomorrow is Harry Potter day! I have my Hogwarts uniform all ready to go. LaLa and I will be the cutest Hogwarts kids ever! Until then, I shall dance.

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