Tuesday, May 14, 2024 18:12


Hello hello ello lo

Where is everyone these days? It’s been pretty quiet here in cyberland. I know that everyone’s not out enjoying the sunshine, because, well, there ain’t any.
I think that after sleeping for about a million and ten hours, my headache from yesterday is nearly gone. When I came home from rehearsal on Wednesday, there was a frantic message from the owner of my place of employment. Apparently, every tour guide (except me) was already scheduled to take five busses of students around town. I wasn’t scheduled, because I do not like taking school kids on bus tours. Well, another guide was stranded in a far away land, and I was needed to do the tour. It went as all right as two hours on a bus with middle school kids could go, but I arrived back to complete my day at the coffee shop with a beeotch of a headache. I had something to eat and took some Excedrin Migraine, but nothing. So, more than twenty four hours later, I still have said headache. I haven’t had a migraine in ages, and I am hoping that this isn’t some sort of precursor to all sorts of new migraine adventures.
I will have to just plug through, since I need to get the last of the stuff out of our office room (soon to be office/guest room/sewing and art room), so that we can repair the walls and paint this weekend. Depending on our level of ambition, we may also replace the ceiling in there. This project has been taking months, and I want it to be finished. Not only that, I need it to be finished, since my sis and her kiddos will be visiting and I would like to have a place for them to sleep. That, and I have lots of craft/art/fashion things I want, er, need to work on and need a place to do so. Also, I am antsy to have some before and after pictures, all Trading Spaces style. Yeah, that’ll be sweet.
Also on the agenda, I will go sign up for the Y today. With my extra tours these days, I have the money to go for the summer. Even better, my buddy from work will also be my work out buddy. We figure we can go after work, and maybe take a class together as well. By the end of the summer, we should be in true ass-kicking form. Plus, I love the Y. Where else can you go to work out next to senior citizens, and obese people and people who are still wearing spandex and headbands. So low key…except when you are doing your wieght circuit behind an elderly man who lifts twice what you do. That is a little disconcerting. But, again, by the end of summer, I will be able to take him. Grrrrrowwwwlllllll.
So, I guess I should stop procrastinating, have some breakfast er lunch, and get in gear. Have a loverly holiday weekend. The computer will probably be disconnected soon for the project, so I will be MIA for a few days. Ideally, after a monday night of fireworks and wine.

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