Saturday, May 11, 2024 21:29


Scary…Very Scary…

Yesterday was a quiet one at work, so I did my usual NY times Crossword, read most of the paper (I never read sports, and rarely read business)…and then the guy came with the new issue of The Rake. I often enjoy reading it, but this month’s cover article, while fascinating, made me cringe. Having a niece who will turn thirteen in a few months, and hearing about kids these days, and seeing them, I know that kids these days are scary. I thought I was just being paranoid, or that it was a sign of age, but, in fact, kids are getting scarier by the minute. What frightens me, is that companies lke Abercrombie and Fitch (who, along with Wal-mart and Starbucks, are evil embodied) perpetuate that little girls should be acting like “adults” by the time they hit their teens. Kids who (at least to me) are normal (like my niece) are looked at by their peers as being young for their age. Further, adults seem to be doing little to stop it, buying them make-up at counters where a tube of lipstick costs more than every cosmetic item I own, not getting involved in childrens lives, even allowing them to get plastic surgery in some cases.
It doesn’t help that due to environmental factors (like obesity and food additives such as hormones) are causing kids to develop younger, which leads to them being sexually active, causing a whole host of problems. Hell, I know “adults” who are sexually active and have no business doing so, much less a child or teen.
The article really speaks for itself. As if I wasn’t worried enough about having children (which will not happen for some time, knock on wood), the state of affairs in this world seem to be at a steady decline.

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