Saturday, May 11, 2024 21:51



Oy. I keep planning to sit down and write in this thing, but just haven’t been able to get my blog on. The last week and a few days have been just a little hectic, and while I’ve certainly had things to blog about, I just haven’t been in that place. now, it’s been a while, and I don’t know whether I should just come back like I haven’t been gone, or do I explain myself. I’m all self-conscious and whatnot.
I suppose this will be the flashback episode of NS.
Miss Informed The excitement began on Tuesday. Some kids, despite reading a sign that explained that by going into the caves they were probably signing their death sentence, went into said caves, and somehow everyone was surprised that three out of the five of them died. For me, and my coworkers, the real excitement started Wednesday. Apparently fact-checkers don’t exist anymore, because the media (meaning all the local stations and papers) were using the name of the business I work for, as opposed to a generic name, or the correct name for the caves where it happened. So, we had to field calls from clients who were concerned about their events and tours, and explain to them that no, our establishment had nothing to do with the unfortunate incident, and that indeed our facilites are safe. We also had to deal with people coming to visit the site and redirect them to where to leave their flowers, explaining to the teens that somehow still thought that cave exploration was a good idea, that no it isn’t, and answer questions from our customers. For the owners it meant calling the media to get things corrected and doing interviews.
A full week later, we are still getting questions, though it has calmed down considerably.
You’re hired
I got the job! yay! Someone from HR will contact me with my start date, once they are further through the construction process. V.V. happy about that one…great benefits, great product, nice discount…should be fun.
I am also starting tours again for the place I currently work for. I need the extra cash more than anything, so I am learning lots of new stuff, and relearning old stuff. Not so much looking forward to it.
I also got cast in a show from those auditions last week. I had talked myself into rejection on all fronts, but things looked up, and I have a new job, and a role. Not bad.
then the weekend hit. I brought that on myself, seeing two plays, a film (on the big screen, no less), and spending an entrie day scrapbooking. It was all worth not being able to get out of bed on Monday. Especially since I got to see some peeps I haven’t seen in a long time, and hang with some friends.
And now, this…
So here I am on hump day. I found out over the weekend that my adorable nephew has a broken leg. Gjust made me visit the cutest black persian mix kitty (named Lucifer) that part of me wants to bring home, and part of me thinks would be a v.v. bad idea. And, I have lost 21 pounds (despite some questionable eating habits…you know things that creep in, like chips, fried chicken…), and have one more pair of jeans I can wear.
I think we are up to speed.

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