Saturday, May 18, 2024 08:10


…another one bites the dust…

As G is driving me to work this morning, he mentions to me he made the last payment on one of our bills. Hurray! One down. I won’t say how many more to go, but one is down. That has to count for something!
Today was sort of a weird day for me, emotion wise…it was like I was super emotional. Not sad, per se, just every emotion I felt today seemed very deep. It was slow at work, and I was reading a magazine (fortunately both mags I subscribe to came yesterday, in time for said slow day). Everything I read hit me really hard. I started to tear up at the woman describing how her babysitter videotaped her son every day so she had all the moments she missed while at work. Seriously. That is not the type of thing I normally find tear jerking. When a nice customer came in, I couldn’t help but get a super-cheesy grin on my face and wish them the best holiday ever. It was just weird. Maybe it’s my meds…maybe it’s the weather…maybe it’s the sleep deprivation. I don’t know.
A while back our coffee distributor had a contest. They were looking for submissions for holiday flavored coffees. The winner would get some amount of credit for their store to get free coffee. When we got the newsletter with our last order, I noticed the winner was not one that I came up with, and didn’t pay much attention to anything else. Well, the other flavors for this year were the runner up submissions, and one of them, I came up with! Ironically, of the ones I thought of, it was the one I would be least likely to drink, but I thought it would be something our customers would be all over. So, if your place of business/local coffee shop gets coffee from the same vendor (I know some of yours do) and you see your flavor of the day is “Old Fashioned Christmas,” I came up with it. If you like it, cool. If not, that’s okay too…like I said, it’s not my thing. Then again, I like my coffee like I like my men.
Ground up and in the freezer.

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