Saturday, May 18, 2024 10:08


Good times…

Augh…one would think I’m trying to channel my youth. The days when i would stay out until at least four or five in the morning, then hit Denny’s for some breakfast and stumble into my bed for a nap before heading off for work or class. I had such a full life then. Working at least 40 hours a week (up to 60 at times), carrying a full-time classload, doing shows, and going out with friends at all hours. I even managed to squeeze some boyfriends in there.
Now, I’m lucky to drag my ass into work. I’ve finally managed to go out on Saturday nights on a regular basis, but I try to get an afternoon shift at work on sunday so that I can get a full nights sleep. The rest of the time lethargy takes over. This would be why my sink is full of dishes and my laundry hamper is bulging.
However, this last weekend, I attempted to channel those days of yore. It was fun, though I am still spent. Saturday, I worked during the day. I met LaLa and her hubby for dinner and a little mall browsing. We discussed good movies. They have finally viewed Shaun of the Dead. They also got to see Sin City. Both provided good movie conversation. Lots of quotes from the former, and lots of kick ass visuals from the latter. I also got to see their vacation photos. It made me long a bit to have a real vacation. Alas, that will be a while. (unless you count Coachella, but I don’t think we’ll be getting much rest on that little trip)
From there, we did our usual Saturday night Ground Zero excursion. My ensemble didn’t go quite as planned, but I managed to pull off a cute look. I usually go for a theme. Last weekend it was 1920’s hooker. This weekend was gothic ballerina. I had to switch footgear, but I managed to get my hair in an updo. I also found a way to quickly turn my great-grandmother’s victorian marquisite shoe-buckles into a choker and tiara. Aside from my jiggly thighs, I felt pretty cute. I managed to dance most of the night away. I even was approached by a girl taking pictures for a project to see if I minded being photographed. (the pictures may also wind up on a pending GZ website…hmmm…) Despite an earlier-than-usual startime at work, I even decided to hit the Uptown Diner for a little early morning breakast and people-mocking….errr…watching….people-watching. We got home just as the neighbor’s Sunday paper was being delivered.
Sunday, I worked my shift, and G picked me up (remind me to share why I’ve been having him drive me around). A good friend of his from school was in town briefly, and talked about going out. We went home for me to change and have a snack. Then we went to The Local for movieoke. Manny and his wife saw an ad for it, and suggested it, as they thought we would do lots of scenes. Well, I don’t know about lots, but we did a scene from Super Troopers (Cat’s Game) and the Prologue from Pulp Fiction. My Honey Bunny was a little rusty, but man I nailed the last line. Amanda Plummer is hard, because I think she actually is slightly on the insane side of the line. Manny and his sweetie surprised G with a scene from The Holy Grail. They picked the scene, and he didn’t know what it was until he got up to perform. Well, it was a surprise all the way around. They picked the wrong scene. Instead of the rabbit in the cave, they got the Trojan Rabbit. The scene was almost entirely sound effects. G was a good sport though. And to redeem himself, he did the scene from Clerks where Randall orders videos. After they kicked us out of the bar, we went to Byerly’s where Laura picked out a scrumptious dessert for us to enjoy. We had some dessert, played with Manny and Laura’s adorable cats, and watched a movie. Laura said she was in the mood for a comedy. What did we watch? Saving Private Ryan. An all right flick, but not my thing. And long. So very long. Long enough, that when the film was over and the news was on, Manny got up to check the clock, because he didn’t believe it was after five in the morning. G and I stopped home to pick up something I needed to drop off first thing in the morning. We stopped at my coffee shop at roughly 7 am. My boss there asked what our plans were for the day. We told her we were going to sleep. It was still Sunday for us. I slept until I had to be up for a get together I was attending. I ran an errand and then headed over to see a friend’s new baby (remind to tell you why I’m freaking out about these babies). He is tiny and adorable, and he didn’t make me yearn for one of my own.
Today was just a boring day at work. Maybe it was boring because I was half asleep. Hmmm…. Either way, I’m glad I channeled my days of youth. Although now, I want to do it more often…I don’t know if my body is ready for all that….

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