Tuesday, May 14, 2024 08:53


linked: double the fun

So, last week my internets were down. Like seriously down. Like we had to have a tech come out down. So, I have double the linky goodness for you this week! Many spooky items to keep the Halloween & Samhein & Day of the Dead celebrations going.

I’ll start off with a non-creepy link: all sorts of ways Americans/the US is weird.

This photographer took portraits of her family through their belongings. Lovely and thought-provoking, it makes me realize more than ever the importance of one editing their belongings. I hope that one day the story my things tell is succinct and well-edited.

Now for something spooky, a woman was dead in her apartment for three years before she was found. A filmmaker was determined to find out who she was and how she could be gone with no one noticing.

This abandoned Wizard of Oz themed park recently opened for a day, as it does annually. If only I could get on that guest list.

Some of these old timey remedies are less creepy than others. I just know I will never take a cobweb pill or put ear wax on my eyeball.

I was fascinated by this history of the Ouija board. If I could get my hands on an old-timey one, I would be such a happy lady!

I got great enjoyment out of these highly unsexy Halloween costumes!

I knew the Chelsea Hotel was closing for renovations, but I didn’t realize what a mess the whole situation was. This history of the famed building is so interesting, it might tide me over until the whole thing is sorted out.

Meet the real Jessica Rabbit! Her clothes were just as daring and gravity defying as the animated version, that’s for sure!

Speaking of daring fashion, apparently Nicki Minaj has a line for KMart. These brave ladies tested some pieces in public, and I have to admit I kind of want a couple of the items.

This video from 1939 predicts fashion in the double aughts. I wonder if they could have seen that Nicki Minaj business coming???

This analysis of the career trajectories of Kristen Stewart and Jennifer Lawrence is amazing. I like them both, and I think K-Stew gets a lot of unfair flack. This, I think, really helps one understand why K-Stew deserves a little slack.

After reading about Blondie, I kind of want a living room lion of my own!!

I looked at this of unpopular baby names through the years, and I realized that all these whackadoodle names parents come up with have been around for ages. Not that I feel any better about it.

Finally, I leave you with this Friends game from Vulture. How well do you remember Friends?

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