Saturday, May 04, 2024 12:30


linked: all lies lead to the truth

So, I came across more X-Files goodness, and of course I have to share. Did you realize that The X-Files began twenty years ago???? My mind was blown. The nineties are still only a decade past in my brain. This interview with Chris Carter is fantastic, and the possibility of his new projects is so exciting!

Speaking of the nineties, I was obsessed with Sassy magazine in my youth. It was the only magazine at the time that I felt like I could identify with. I suspect my old issues are long gone from my folks’ basement, but lucky for us a dedicated reader has kept many of hers and is scanning favorite tidbits for all of us fellow Sassy lovers! It’s like I was transported back to my teenage years. The good parts, at least.

So, it turns out that criminals in the 1920s didn’t look so criminal. In fact, they were rather dapper. At least, in Australia. I kind of want to meet all the folks in these mugshots, now.

I opened this piece with trepidation. From the title, I was quick to assume the marriage was dissolved. However, upon reading, that is not the case. This is a lovely, heartfelt piece on marriage and making it work.

It is so rare that I meet a kindred spirit in the realm of home-ownership. This guys lays it all out, and I agree 100% (if it is possible to agree more than that, I sure do). Check out his five things you should know about buying a house. I did change my mind about having the amount for the house and paying cash after reading. I still believe you should pay cash, but now I realize you really should have twice the amount, so you still have a safety net. See, even I learned something!

Thanks to Regretsy (RIP), I already knew of the hobo wedding (and am still flabbergasted they didn’t understand what was wrong), and the South African weddings have made the rounds. However, I didn’t realize how truly offensive some could make their weddings! Turns out, the napster guy’s wedding was downright tasteful!

Soylent Green is people!!! We all know. However, the new meal replacement, Soylent, sounds interesting. After reading about this two week trial, I kind of want to give it a try.

From the world of fabulousness, these 101 fashion tricks everyone should know are extremely useful! (The title declares it for every girl, but there are many that any and everyone could benefit from.)

Finally, someone won Craigslist Missed Connections. This is a must read!

Happy Monday, friends! I hope your week is swell!

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