Friday, May 03, 2024 03:10


linked: can i keep him?

I figured I would get this one out the way first, since I think it’s the weirdest, and perhaps you might like a palate cleanser after. A little boy fell and hurt his knee which caused him to procure a new pet! You’ll have to read it to find out the details.

This probably won’t help with the palate cleansing. However, you have probably heard of the tradition of the bride and groom keep a chunk of their wedding cake (often the top tier of a tiered cake) and freezing it to enjoy on their first anniversary. Well, the cake found here was just a little older than that. Oy.

For all my fellow coffee lovers out there, Buzzfeed shared several lovely quotes about the delicious caffeinated beverage. The piece is made even more lovely by the inclusion of a quote from my dear friend, author Leanna Renee Hieber!

A friend shared this with me, nothing like a story about old-school taxidermy to warm the heart.

Now, I seem to have wound up with very many pieces relating to feminism. Something in the air, perhaps?

I’m going to lead with this troubling piece from The Guardian. I cannot understand why men would get angry and violent with seventeen-year-old-girls because they didn’t want to be ogled. They are not even adults. I think that a lot of the issues of violence against women, in particular, stem from this culture that has developed wherein no one wants to take responsibility for their actions. In this case, gross men against young women.

I found a couple of pieces over at Fit and Feminist that really resonated with me. The first is about the debate of women’s swimwear. It’s true that the debate of what a women wears (or doesn’t wear) to the beach is not really about what she’s wearing. It’s so much more.
Second, her piece on athletic gear really struck a cord with me. As I showed my pale thigh dimples off on my run, I had no idea I was the cause of all the problems in the world. Oh wait. I’m not. Why can’t we just be comfortable? She addresses this much better than I can.

Over at Brain Pickings, they reviewed Venus With Biceps. I love how it examines the relation of femininity and muscle tone. Also, I suspect my fascination with fitness and figure competitions stems from my circus heritage…as does everything with me, it seems.

Finally, The Alamo Drafthouse in Texas recently put together a series of PSAs. I think you will enjoy checking them out.

Have a lovely week! xoxox

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