Monday, May 06, 2024 20:15


Happy Memorial Day! I’m spending the day at work, alas. However, I hope you get to spend the day with good food and friends, and remembering those who have gone before.

Over at Apartment Therapy this week, I found this write up on a Wall Street Journal piece on teen luxury rooms. It’s apparently an effort to keep kids close to home. However, these kids’ rooms are larger than any home I’ve ever lived in! I think there has got to be a better way to keep tabs on your kid.

100 Abandoned Houses hits a little close to home for me. It’s a beautiful and haunting series, and I imagine all these homes have amazing stories within their walls. It’s mind boggling how such a great city has taken such a turn.

A glimpse into the past was recently released! Some of the first footage to be filmed in color was restored and enhanced, and provides a look into 1927 London. It’s eerily similar to modern day London, outside of the transportation and fashion.

I came across some shots of one of my favorites from the UK. Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston were stunning at the premier of Only Lovers Left Alive. I think this just hopped to the top of my must see list.

Finally, it’s no secret I’m mourning the departure of Bill Hader from SNL. I know they are on summer hiatus, but my heart is darkened by knowing there will be no more possibility of Stefon showing up on Weekend Update in the fall. However, this supercut of all of his impersonations will ease the pain.

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