Friday, May 03, 2024 04:50


linked: i like you

Another feature! I know, a lot of blogs have a post of links as a feature. I love these posts. I love finding out what people are interested in, finding new things to do or read, learning something, reminiscing, and so much more. So, every Monday, I would like to share with you what I’m enjoying, reading, learning, discovering. Some I’ve found through others, some I’ve found while surfing, but I want to share all of them with you for one reason or another. I thought Monday would be a great day for this. That way, when you drag yourself into work first thing Monday morning and you are still waking up with a cup of coffee (or three) you can look busy for a few minutes and have some things to help get you through a Monday morning, and maybe the rest of your week. So, here’s my first installment! Enjoy!

It has been nearly 76 years since the Hindenburg disaster that made traveling by zeppelin a blip in history. This 75th anniversary article provides a history of the successful years of the Hindenburg, zeppelin travel, and photographs of the marvel.

Speaking of history, it was only 100 short years ago that women marched on Washington to work for the right to vote. The Smithsonian covered this incredible event.

Now to the future! The LA Times speculated what 2013 would look like, 25 years ago.

In 1967, Walter Cronkite visited the home of the future! The living room is quite lovely, and I would like us to get on that kitchen of the future now.

Love Game of Thrones? Check out School of Thrones. If you are behind where the show is, there may be spoilers. I still think it’s delightful.

Been keeping track of the worst fashions of your favorite celebrity? The Fug Girls released this years Fug Madness bracket, with the Madness beginning tomorrow.

Finally, the best thing I saw over the last week. Cracked is great at dispensing knowledge laced with humour. However, this look at the beloved Fred Rogers manages to be sweet and sentimental. If you watch the videos, you’ll want a box of tissues handy.

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