Friday, May 03, 2024 04:02


101 things: part two

I know I was gonna bang this out over one week, but my blog freaked out and I couldn’t.
Just as well. I learned how long it will really take to bang this out and how long it is to read. So, I am cutting down to ten (or 11, in some cases), and posting them each Wednesday so you all don’t get too bored! Here’s part two, keep your eyes out over the next few Wednesdays for parts three through nine!

  1. Finish the things in my project box.Not done. This box contains various things that need some help. All the items are clothing, but they need altering for one reason or another. Some are projects that were finished just enough for their purpose, but I want to finish them the way the should be finished. Some are things that I don’t wear anymore, but still love so I want to alter them into something I will wear. Some are things that (usually because of age) are not wearable as they are, but are full of fabric to harvest or could be used to pattern for a remake. No matter why the box is there, instead of less full it is now more full.
  1. Go to England and Wales with G.Not done. I’ve not been to England or Wales in years, and G has never been (I know, right???). We thought it would be a perfect trip for our big ten-year anniversary. I had some dollars from a work bonus set aside, so I began looking into it. Then, I got put on a project for work that had me out-of-town during that time. We didn’t come up with an alternate date, and the fund got put into things like unexpected car repairs. However, we are determined to make this happen, sooner rather than later.
  2. Move to LA.Not done. I would like to get to work on some filmy/TV things G would love to work for a certain game developer, and we would love to be close to some of our west coast friends. I thought that giving this a deadline would get us on doing it! We aren’t there yet, but we have made some headway. We did get rid of our condo, which was a big thing keeping us stuck here. Selling a home is different than giving notice on an apartment. Now we are in an apartment, so that is a big obstacle gone. G is in the process of applying for his dream job, which if he were to get in, would require a temporary relocation to Quantico and then a more permanent location to a place of their choosing (though, G can give them preferences). We want to see how that shakes out, then will go from there. I do know for sure that California would not be a long term situation. We are people who need seasons, which California is notoriously lacking.
  3. Draft and build a corset.Not done. This is to be part of a costume, but other costumes keep popping up and getting in the way. It would be a big help for my big dream of being on Project Runway, but since it is questionable whether it will stay on the air, this has also kept bumping the priority. I did get sources for the supplies taken care of, and I will certainly get there. I just need to not get so excited to make all the things.
  4. Enter Masquerade at CONvergenceNot done. I was close. So close. Until I developed a fever and illness and had to have my niece go in my stead. She had put together a costume, and was ready to go, so it worked out. But, it was a bummer. I haven’t come up with another thing I’ve wanted to do as much yet. I know I will, but since the process is a lot of work, I want to be really in love with the idea.
  5. Get my wedding gown taken care of. Finally.Not done. Not that after 12 years, time is of the essence. However, it was an honest-to-goodness Vera Wang. I got a great deal on it, and it was a dream come true to wear one of her gowns. I want to keep it forever, regardless of whether or not I have someone to pass it on to. I should have taken it to the cleaners straight away, but I foolishly didn’t. So, it is still on the hanger, in the garment bag, just like I hung it up in the hotel on our wedding night. I’m not overly concerned about staining, I just hope there aren’t holes or things that are more difficult to repair. I think I will have it professionally dyed and possibly wear it for other fancy things. I swear, the next coupon I see for gown cleaning will get my butt into the dry cleanery and get it done. I’m hoping the process will also make it more compact. The layers and layers of tulle Ms. Wang designed into that thing make it voluminous to say the least.
  6. Get my Mystery tattoo.Not done. When I reached my first goal weight, I got a tattoo of a wee black cat named Sabbath on my right thigh. My reward for my final goal was to get his sister, Mystery, on my left thigh. I was very close, but a chronic neck injury flared up and hated progress. Then I got several rounds of steroid injections. They are not kidding when they tell you steroids make you gain weight. Also, it is real weight. So, I am back where I started and need to get back down. And get that tattoo. Sabbath is very lonely.

    Sabbath, brand new!

    Sabbath, brand new!

  7. Get my running tattoo (after I complete my marathon).Not done. I signed up for the marathon. I trained until about a month before. When I got wicked bronchitis, I tried to keep training. However, it is really hard to run when you can’t breathe. It’s hard to get back to breathing when the genetics you’re blessed with mean that bronchitis sticks around for at least a month if the steroids and antibiotics work correctly. I was still hacking up my lungs by the day of the marathon and had to postpone that dream. Why does getting sick have to get in the way of things? I will do that marathon, though I am still rebuilding mileage-wise so it is a someday item.
  8. Get my Raven tattoo.Not done. One reason is dollars, the other is that I don’t have quite the perfect art yet. I want her to be absolutely perfect because she is so important to me. I love ravens for many, many reasons. I want this tattoo to capture all of them.
  9. & 31) Take a ballet class, Take a tap class.Not done. The biggest reason is funding. It’s hard to justify dance lessons when you are cash strapped. However, I found a place I want to go, and my passion for dance was recently reignited, so the next round of classes, I am all over it!

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