Tuesday, May 21, 2024 16:03


NaNoWriMo, NaNoBloMo

So, I am officially signed up for NaNoWriMo. I’ve had an idea for a Novel floating around in my head for some time, and what better time than now to write it??? So, today I begin the odyssey of writing a novel, and hoping it doesn’t completely suck.
Besides that, I have realized that my poor little blog has been neglected for a while now. So, I am resurrecting the NaNoBloMo I did a few years ago, and blogging at least once a day for the month! Some of it will be overdue posts about things I’ve done and forgotten to blog about, some will be musings on my work-related travel, some will be about running (I’m training for a marathon, kids!), and some will be about fashion, as I have also named the next three months wardrobe remix mania! As I will be traveling for work and I don’t have to wear a uniform for the bulk of the next three months, I figured I should pay a little more attention to my clothes and photographing them and participating in the WR pool on Flickr. Holy buckets, that’s a lot, isn’t it!
So, I may or may not post again today, but I will surely post tomorrow….see you then!!!!

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