Sunday, May 19, 2024 02:05


why i have the best friends

Let’s say you haven’t been to the dentist in a number of years. There is an amazing dentist that everyone at work goes to, and you have been saying you would make an appointment for at least six months, but still haven’t gotten around to it, but you totally will. Soon. For reals. Then, your friend and carpool buddy has a dentist appointment and tells you she will make an appointment for you. You nod along, as though you’re totally sure she will do it, but are really sure she won’t. I mean, who makes appointments for someone else that is not a dependent?
Then, said friend comes back from the dentist and hands you your appointment card and starter pack paper work. You laugh your ass off, because she actually did do it, and she proceeds to threaten everyone else around that if they have not been to the dentist in the last six months and they have not made an appointment by the time she goes in for the follow up to the treatment she just had, she will do the same to them.
That’ll teach me. Guess I’d better make with the flossing.

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