Friday, May 03, 2024 22:26


bits and pieces

On a general note: man, I am a tired girl. So far this week, this is the first day I haven’t taken a nap! I want one, but figure I should just go to bed early…so I’m storing up my sleepiness!! Hopefully my inherent night-owl-ness won’t keep me up.
What would Miss Manners say?
So, my sister found this super-great deal a while back, and mentioned it to me, lamenting that she wished she knew someone who could use it. I told her I knew someone it would make a great gift for, and we went back to the site of the bargain to see if it was still there for the having…it was, and I scored it…at an additional half off!! The event for giving the gift is still a while off…however I now know that the intended is really wanting it (as in it is on the wish list, and peeps know it is wanted). Do I just give it now, lest someone else buy it? Do I wait and cross my fingers?
I’ve got a fever!
I love winter…but I wish Spring would hurry itself up! I am desperately wanting to purge the house, Clean Sweep style. Lay out a tarp and sort all of the crap out and have a yard sale and maybe make a few dollars whilst emptying the cellar, the garage, the utility room, the cupboards, the closets…
Then I want to clean like a madwoman, windows open, radio blasting.
Then I want to finish the walk and patio.
Sadly, winter does not allow for any of this!! AUGH! I’ve actually debated if people will buy things in the snow. I’ve come to the conclusion that they won’t, nor will I sit and watch our stuff in the snow either. Boo.
I’m kind of a big deal.
So, I was just offered a role in a show! Two roles, actually! Shakespeare, none-the-less! The topper? Being a baton Twirler helped me land said role! Good to know all those years weren’t wasted.
In the meantime I am anxiously waiting for the auditions to wrap for a (very) different show I already auditioned for to find out if I was called back/cast. I used to think the audition was the hardest part. Now, I know it’s the waiting! Knowing it is out of my hands, and knowing that roughly one million ladies of the same type were/are competing does not help! I really would love the role, as it would be a great opportunity on so many levels, yet I worry because it would also be pretty tough, commitment-wise.
So, things need to hurry up…but not too fast.

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