Friday, May 03, 2024 22:26


my plate is officially full….

…which may have something to do with the strange sounds coming from my tummy.
So, yeah, where was I?
No really….this is what my mind is reduced to. I can’t complete a coherent thought at the moment. I think I need to sit down and make a list, yet, I feel like that would waste precious time that would be better served elsewhere.
anyhow, you kids probably have noticed that I’m in a show. when I am adequately convinced I don’t suck, I shall give the world the deets. Last week, I was asked to costume said show. I accepted the position. I haven’t costumed in a long while, so it should be fun. The only downside, is that I much more enjoy playing with clothes than say, remodeling.
Which brings me to the other portion of my plate. The kitchen. It is still going a bit slower than I would like. However, we officially have a deadline now. I invited my family to come out and stay with us for Easter. Due to the show, I can’t go to them, so I thought it would be fun to have them come to us. They accepted, and now we must have the kitchen done, and the house clean and beautiful for guests by Good Friday. This is fine, because left to our own deadline-free devices, we would otherwise be lucky to have the darn thing done by my birthday.
Hey, at least I cleared the second job from my plate!
I have also managed to find some time for fun. We saw 300 over the weekend, and I promise to give you a review of it later. For now I shall tell you, It was awesome. We also made it out dancing on Saturday. We even went out for late night snacks afterward, and stayed up until the wee hours. Hurrah!!
To close, I will point out that I have realized that while a lot of shitty people may cross my path, I am blessed by all the awesome people who choose to stick around for the journey.
And now, I must paint.

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