Saturday, May 18, 2024 13:52


the camel’s back has been broken.

So…today has just been one of those days. I’m not even going to go into why, because that would just mean one long rant, probably in all caps, that I am really not up to typing. However, I will post the thing that put it over the top…because it is enough for me to write an actual letter of complaint to a company and never use their services again.
So, many months ago (about a year, in fact) I purchased a purse. It was lovely, and on clearance. The clearance price was more than I would normally spend on a purse, but I looked at the quality, the original price, and figured that I would use it a lot. Fast forward some months, and you may remember me mentioning that I spilled wine on a purse? That would be the purse. However, some airing out and all was well. Fast forward another month or so, and I spilled Nyquil on said purse. Rather said Nyquil bottle decided to explode on said purse. I thought it would be worth it to have the purse cleaned. It is fabric, but dry-clean only fabric. We had a coupon for the dry cleanerie and I had a few other things to be dropped of, and after some gentle reminders, G dropped it all off. Apparently purses are mystical creatures to dry cleaneries. It had to be sent out (which, every time I’ve ever had anything cleaned, ever, it has to be sent out…most dry cleaneries have a central plant that does all the cleaning, so it didn’t occur to me that this meant I was entering forbidden territory). It took like a month for the freaking thing to be cleaned. Then, it gets picked up today. It was FORTY FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS. FOR A PURSE I PAID THIRTY FOR. And, to top it all off, the coupon was not applicable because it was a specialty item. None of which was mentioned when the purse was dropped off. If I would have known, the thing would have been in the trash and I would have chalked it up as a lesson not to ever spend that much on a purse ever again.
So, twenty years from now when the damn thing is falling apart and has a layer of grime with some weeds growing on it, and you wonder why I am still carrying it around…you will know why.

2 Responses to “the camel’s back has been broken.”

  1. Lala says:

    sooo…hmmm…what does this say about my excessive spending on purses…which is all in the past and I have NOT stepped on toe in Coach since the horrible treatment I received…but alas…your thoughts…???

  2. Raven says:

    I don’t think it says anything about your spending. It says that I am cheap. And that my deal is now not that great…only like 55% off now. Bah. It has also increased my per use cost. Bah.
    BTW, I am proud of you for not stepping into a coach store. I still want to bitch slap the bitches that work there whenever I walk by. However, I am sure Karma has something special in store for them.
    No one cackles at my Lala. No one.

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