Monday, May 06, 2024 20:00


whirly blur

I closed LWW on Sunday. It was only a week-and-a-half run, but we did have 16 performances, at least one per day, with several days being two show days. On top of that I was working like a fool and battling a nasty cold. Overall, i had a good time with the show, but I will be happy to be able to rest now and then. Part of me wants to audition for something. The other part thinks I should get some things chipped off my to-do list instead.
The toll on my system has been painfully obvious. For instance, we went to a friend’s holiday gathering Saturday. I was so wiped out. I felt like the lamest party-goer ever. I was ready to leave by 11:30, desperately trying not to fall asleep on the hosts’ bed. LAME! I was asleep the minute I was buckled in the car, and barely mad it to our bed before crashing once again. Sunday we met our friends at The Chatterbox for Karaoke. Once again, it was like 11 and I was ready to crash. I slept in later than I planned before work. Today I had a hair appointment at 3. Totally thought i would be up and getting shite done. Nope. Instead I barely had time to shower and get dressed before going. Perhaps my newly flame dyed hair will wake me up? (The hair is pretty freaking cool. It has four different colours in it, andgoes from RED in the front to blonde at the back. My stylist even took a pic for their look books)
I don’t think the tiredness is helped by me still fending of illness. this cold has been nasty. There were colors I have never sen in nature coming out of my nose. i think I need to follow Mimi Smartypants‘ lead. seriously, her cold sounds a lot like mine. If the neti pot worked for her, maybe it can work for me. Once we are out of cow milk, I am also going to do a detox diet. I think that all the junk I’ve been putting into my body has been ill-affecting me as well. i am actually looking forward to it, although the no-dairy part will be a bit difficult. However, things like smoothies made of fruit and rice protein do sound yummy. I figure if I can do it for about 3 weeks, that will be good. Then maybe I will get back on track with eating well, and exercising. Maybe it will let me focus on finishing our house projects and having things all put together and pretty and useful.
I am currently summoning all my energy to finish some painting and cleaning. I should spackle the entryway, but that may be beyond my energy stores. I promise I will rest fully and have actual interesting things to say. For reals.

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