Monday, May 06, 2024 21:46


the chronic–WHAT?–cles of narnia

Yeah. Not so much with the productive today. There was a lot of catching up on TV (with the highlight being a Goldfrapp song featured on ER). A lot of wearing of pajamas. Some napping. More TV, this time with pizza. Finally, we got to the hallway. Yeah. Instead of ripping out baseboards, ceiling and painting, followed by ripping out carpet…it looks like the baseboards will be gone (tthe baseboards which they half glued, half nailed…meaning some were glued and some were nailed). It also looks like I will have to put on a coat of Kilz before I paint, as well. Oh, and replace a chunk of wallboard, and an insane amount of patching the walls. I wonder if the dudes who finished this place ever heard of sanding. There are some mighty weird spots on the walls. Also, I can’t figure out if they cut in with something other than what they painted with, or if they skipped the cutting in and just did their half-assed painting. There are some obvious gaps near the ceiling moulding. The crooked ceiling moulding. We decided we may as well rip that shit out and replace it while we’re at it. It also looks like the high quality moulding they used on the doors is giving out on at least one door. Does this mean we are going to have to replace all that too??? I am hoping we can just repair the one that’s bad, and the rest are okay. If we were staying here long term, we’d just replace all the crappy doors. Since we aren’t, that is an expense we don’t really need.
i so thought that the hallway would be a quick and satisfying project. Something substantial to show that we have indeed made progress on the kitchen/entry/hall remodel. I should have learned by now that everything is more difficult than it seems with this place. i am hoping at least that when we move and someone else buys the place, that they won’t have headaches with the work we’ve done, or have quite so many “what were they thinking” puzzles.
Maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll get through the spackling/sanding tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

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