Sunday, May 19, 2024 17:43


vacation all i ever wanted

ahhhh…vacation. Day two. Or perhaps day one. I don’t think actual day one really counts. I spent it on the tail of an incredibly stressful day of work. I finished packing, had some good-bye loving and drove for twelve hours. Okay, so really only six of those hours were on day one, but still, I spent twelve hours driving.
So, her I sit at my mom’s computer in a far-flung Detroit suburb. Things I learned today: the superbowl is being held in Detroit this year, the mayor of Detroit is looking at this as the big chance to turn Detroit around (yeah, don’t get me started on how screwed up the city is, and how every mayor seems to expect some magic wand to be waved, and the city will “POOF!” be magically transformed into a thriving metropolis of shiny buildings and sidewalks full of happy people bustling about to work or the theatre or to shop in some lovely department store, revered by millions all around the world as the height of urban design…instead of a horribly misguided city full of history that continues to be destroyed in the name of progress…), rest areas suck the minute you cross the border from Indiana to Michigan, and if I continue to eat like I’m on vacation, I’d better workout like Demi Moore getting ready for Striptease if I don’t want to return home looking like a beached whale. Well, like more of a beached whale.
My day so far has been enjoyable. I forgot how nice it is to drive in places where people know how to merge. I remembered how much I love driving through Chicago. I managed not to have a complete panic attack driving through the Indiana construction where I was forced to drive against one of theose concrete barriers in a too narrow lane. I got to eat at a new restaurant in my hometown, where they *gasp* refurbished a building that has been there for ages looking decrepit, and made it a wonderful bar and eaterie. I was sad to see that more buildings and homes that have been around as long as I can remember are gone or in the process of being gone (including my childhood church where my sister was married, I was baptized and confirmed–don’t laugh, empty spaces where the homes of neighbors stood…the building that was my dad’s high school, and my sister’s and my middle school sitting vacant). I saw one of my cousins who has been a great help to my parents. She showed me some of her beading, and we talked about how much fun it is to look at sparklies. I got to see my sis and the chilluns. Man, I love those kids. My nephew continues to be the coolest kid evar. I helped my niece do a Sudoku…it was for homework so I had to resist the urge to just do it for her. I unpacked, and worked on some beading. I’m not trying to be keyed up about hearing back from my audition on Saturday. It’s just a community theatre, but I love, love, love the scrip, The Women. There are two roles I would love to do. I should know Wednesday or Thursday. I’ve also spent some time researching upcoming auditions, and thinking of what I want to do at the upcoming unified auditions (ooh, I need to remember to take the day off work for that). It feels good to acutally want to audition again. There was such a long chunk of time where I felt too fat, too unqualified…just drifted away from my dream. I might use my mom’s library card while here and read some plays, since I have time. I’m working on some beading (projects that I started oh, about a year ago). And, I should get my niece’s Tokyo Mew Mew costume done while here. I wanted to have it done a long time ago, but I need to fit some of it right to here, and some of it is actually a bit tricky. It should look pretty kick ass though. It is nice to sew again. Another thing that I used to be so fearlesss about, and suddenly am questioning my ability. Hopefully this will get the juices flowing again, and I will use some of the fabric and patterns I’ve been collecting. I am also refusing to stress out about seeing people or getting places. Whatever I do, I do. If I don’t, no big whoop.
Well, I seem to just be rambling, and I want to get my crunches and tricep curls in, since those are my mandatory daily workout items. The cardio and the rest of my strength training gave way to napping (imagine, after driving from 6pm to 6am), and seeing my fam for the first time for the trip. I’m currently super comfy in my “make me purr” jammies (which are red, comfy, a little sexy, and have kitties on tehm), and am looking forward to lounging with my cat and my beads the rest of the evening. I may meet my cousin and her baby for lunch tomorrow…and Wednesday promises Mongolian Barbecue (the BEST Mongolian barbecue, IMHO)…beyond that…I don’t know.
All I can say, so far, this is making ahuge difference for my stress level.

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