Sunday, May 19, 2024 03:43


turkey day reloaded

So, I was just remembering this book that I read as a kid (in the fourth grade…the whole class read it together), and I can remember some plot points, but the title eludes me. It involves a family, and they decide to raise a turkey to eat for Thanksgiving dinner. The little girl says “turnkey” instead of “turkey.” thgey raise the turkey, and I’ll stop there, because there is a twist that only a children’s novel could provide. So, you’ll just have to tune in and find out.
The reason that popped into my feeble brain, was that G and I bought a turkey and prepared it yesterday evening. Well, I prepared it, though G carved it. Thus, I realized that I was sorely lacking in T-day coverage. And thus you have been wondering, “Did the Turkey come out okay?” “Did she make her homemade cranberry sauce?” “Was the table properly set with linens and fancy dishes????”
The suspense must be killing you.
Well, first of all, T-day promised to be more low key. I had a nice mood upswing late summer/early fall, which of course had to be followed by a downswing. So, I just was not in the mood to go elaborate this year. it was going to be G and I, but we did invite the BIL to come, and put feelers out for orphans. Then, the day before, I was pretty low, and wondered if I even wanted to have a turkey, or cook anything. But, since we had already mentioned it to people, I figured we should go full steam ahead.
So, Thursday rolls around, and we do some cleaning, so our place at least looked respectable for guests. The turkey was in the oven, I managed to make real mashed potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce (from a new recipe, which I added my own twist to), corn, dressing (Stove Top. I have yet to conquer my fear of dressing. once I do that, I will consider stuffing), a mini salad bar…I skipped the yams this year. Last year, I made a wonderful recipe which was baked sweet potatoes in a maple/clove/vanilla sauce. It was delish, but apparently not so many peeps are up for yams. G made his rice, since he isn’t such a potato fan, and Pillsbury supplied the poppin’ fresh bisquits. and I let the Cub foods bakery supply the pumpkin pie (I also have yet to conquer my fear of pies. Baby steps.)
The table was more low key, as well…but I did have to make it festive to some extent. So, I used the basic ivory tablecloth and napkins. I pulled out the depression glass, and *gasp* used it! I managed to find pieces that would work for dinner, salad, cranberry sauce, dessert, and na beverages. The crystal goblets were pulled out, but alas, not used…though I’m pretty sure they enjoyed coming out of the china cabinet for a day. I also managed to light taper candles, and dug out my harvest napkin rings so it looked more harvest-y. Not quite teh Martha Stewart I pulled last year (which invloved making placemats the morning of thanksgiving, hosting a pre-dinner brunch, and general craziness).
So, it was a small affair, but I managed to pull it off, which to me is a huge feat, considering I was a crying heap on the couch the night before.
Our friend benq came over apres-dinner for som T-day tv and flickage. We had planned to see Rent. We called the peeps we thought would be interested. One of who actually had brought it up in the first place, thus we planned to see it T-day night. The showings were at weird times, but we found one that would work. To pass the time we plopped on the sofa, and watched “My Name is Earl,” “The Office,” then popped in “The Tick.” Funny stuff. Then Rent, then bed.
I am going to post my thoughts on Rent in a separate post, since I don’t want anyone to fall asleep and drool on their keyboards, causing a short.

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