Saturday, May 04, 2024 00:48


Two entirely different things, people…

Strict. Strick. Two different things. I am guessing that when you say you are trying to be strick on your diet, or strick with disciplining your dog, that what you really mean is strict. Strick would be a bunch of hackled flax prepared for drawing into slivers. That really does not make any sense does it?
What is sad to me is that one of the people who is guilty of this is a writer. As in her sole income comes from writing books. I would think that she would think more about what she is trying to convey, and do so correctly.
Sorry, pet peeve of mine. Had to get it out. I am sure that there is plenty more word abuse where that came from, but that is the one I keep seeing. From more than one person. WTF?
I feel slightly better now.

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