Saturday, May 04, 2024 04:37


Now what am I supposed to do???

I actually have an (almost) entire day off. I seriously do not know what to do with myself. I had to give a tour (which went fine), and othersiwe, no commitments. I feel as though I should be somewhere, working. Such a strange feeling. I did get a workout in (which made for 4 this week. Not bad, considering I’ve been working nearly 15 hour days most of the week.)…which was nice. I also got the stuff I needed to finish organizing my bathroom. So, I think that will be what I do with the rest of my day. Turn on some tunes, and get cozy with a bottle of lysol.
I am excited for tomorrow. I do have to work from 7:30 am to 11 p.m., but I am actually going out. Dancing. I can’t remember the last time I went dancing. Considering I used to go out dancing two or three times a week…this is sad. So, this will ideally become a regular thing.
Also, in the happy news field, I noticed a job posting for a position I am interested in at work. Part of me is afraid. I think it is because I hold myself to an impossibly high standard, that is impossible for me to attain, so I feel like I would not be good enough for the job. Oh well, i will have to go in early one day and apply for the position, and see what happens. If I get it, I will only have to work one job, and it will solve some financial issues and insurance issues.
Well, I need to tackle that bathroom. Whoohooo!

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