Tuesday, May 07, 2024 07:33


Loose change…

So, G and I went to ye olde Hair Police today. I hadn’t been since my stylist left for NYC 🙁 My hair wasn’t bad for a while, but it go to the point that only a ponytail would do for being in public. So, I bit the bullet and had G make me an appointment to coincide with his. I didn’t do anything drastic, but my hair is much improved. We liked the stylist, and think she will officially be “our” stylist.
For those of you who don’t know, I am picky. I never had a regular stylist, because it seems that every stylist I went to would tell me why they couldn’t do what I wanted, and what they were going to do instead. Then, I found Kris. I would say, “hey Kris, this is what I want.” And he would do it. I was smitten. G tried another stylist, and while her cut was all right, it was nothing to write home about. That, and her attitude isn’t exactly endearing. So, as fate would have it, we fell into the lap of Satya. She is cute, she is fun, and she listens, and gives us what we want. Sigh, I may be smitten all over again.

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