Saturday, May 11, 2024 18:48


Save ME

First of all, i have to point out that it is freakishly dark at only 5:49pm, due to some seerious (at first that was just a typo, but i realize it seems appropriate) water coming from the sky. I can even hear it, but it doesn’t sound like normal rain, it sounds, well, weird.
Now, on to my point…or the beginning of my point…or maybe it’s not a point at all…
Does anyone remember Karyn? If you have never heard of her, she was the girl who was seriously in debt and started a website for people to give her money to get out of debt (she put money toward her debt also, and sold a bunch of her stuff to help). Her thought being, if people wanted to help her, cool, if not, cool. She gave people the choice, rather than filing for bankruptcy and forcing people to pay for her debt. I, for one, thought it was bloody brilliant. I was only pissed, because I didn’t come up with the idea myself. Others, however, were infuriated by her audacity. One would have thought she was holding a loaded revolver to their heads and demanding they pay her bills.
I digress. My point for bringing up Ms. Karyn, is that she had a feature entitled, “the daily buck.” It was here that she would detail a way in which she saved some money that day. Since discovering it so many moons ago, I often think to myself, “if I were Karen, that would definitely be a daily buck!’
Yesterday, I had one of those moments. As I am sure you are aware, gas is ex-pens-ive. Around here, it’s been $1.959 for a while, for basic unleaded. My car, being picky, needs midgrade. Well, I had to go out to Stillwater to cover yesterday. Fleet Farm’s gas station has midgrade for the price of unleaded. Not only that, but it was only $1.859! I saved over a buck fifty! Of course, when I went in to pay, I discovered that I had $5 more than I thought, so I could have saved more…but alas. I be happy that I saved that buck-fifty. Because I be po and all.
And for the record, when one be po…it doesn’t feel nice to have people conspicuously consume to one. As in flashing their new toys and talking about their massive income and how much they want to buy. Then again, maybe that’s cuz I just don’t really care about how much people make, or what they buy, or how much….unless there is some sort of huge sale going on, or a secret bargain palace that I need to hit. Then, I care.
Also, according to the MIL, a tentative date has been set for our sale. I am hoping I make a decent amount selling our stuff. My bank account would be v. happy about that.
happy mother’s day!
Need to waste some time??

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