Saturday, May 11, 2024 10:18


I want to rock and roll all night…

Whoa, for a minute there, I almost felt young again! Two parties in one night…very extreme.
We started the night at a friend’s birthday party. I have to say that we felt pretty honored to be among those invited, as it was a small gathering, and upon arrival realized that outside of the hosting couple, we only knew one other person. So yeah, we thought it was pretty coo. It was a fun gathering, and we got to meet the dog. The dog is a taller than normal greyhound, and is beautiful. Now, for the record, I am not a dog person. I have to meet the dog, and there are certain breeds of dogs that I cannot stand. (for instance, standard poodles and Afgans. They are creepy, creepy dogs.) However, pretty much all greyhounds are cool. They are gorgeous, all lanky and graceful…elegant. And they have a great temperment. So, I enjoyed meeting the dog, although he was frighteningly tall.
Then, we moved along to a cast party. We decided to stop since it was on our way home. We did arrive in time to see the people that we wanted to see, and for once were not the last to leave. For some reason, we are always the last to leave. Once everyone is gone, it is just awkward… do we leave, do the hosts want to hang, are they bored by us and wish we would get the hell out…especially since we are the hosts that could care less. If someone wants to hang till the sun comes up, we are totally cool with it, because really, what else have we to do? Such a dillemma.
Finally, I read a fantastic article in the paper. Actually that was like the first thing I did, but whatever. Anyway, I really cannot expand very much on how incredible this young woman is…I think the piece speaks for itself.

3 Responses to “I want to rock and roll all night…”

  1. Alliecat says:

    Sooo, You would have loved the coverage of the
    Afghan Hound running around on I-94, then. The
    911 calls from motorists referred to it as a
    deer, a coyote, some kind of huge wild animal,
    and a large dog. Apparently, it escaped from it
    yard with three other dogs. The owner was able
    to get them back in, but then this one got out
    again. It was hilarious to see the “rescuers”
    Try and catch it. They got the loop of rope on a
    stick thing on it two or three times before they
    finaly captured him. They had traffic stopped,
    and these guys running all over after this stupid
    dog. Everyones like Awww, I’m thinking how it
    would suck to be stuck in traffic for like half
    an hour, 45 minutes while these inept looking
    guys catch this dog. His owner said he’s very
    tricky. Yipee.
    If anybody knows the secret of knowing when to
    leave a party, let me know. I can never “read”
    people. Are they chatting to be polite, or are
    they enjoying the conversation as much as I?
    Yesterday, I’m getting ready to leave a party,
    the hosts are talking to me at the door, the
    hostess then says” Thanks for comming” I take
    this as my cue and go get my car, which is parked
    about two blocks away, and return for my
    belongings. The hostess comes out to the car
    with my things, another sign, so I thought, that
    she would like to be rid of me. But no, she
    begins another conversation at my window, with my
    car running, I really like this person and
    wouldn’t mind chatting, but my car is running!
    My dilemma, do I shut the car off and talk, or
    end the conversation and leave? I would shut the
    car off, but does this person really want me to?
    So I end up with the car running ( I am
    calculating the $ being burned) until the hostess
    finally says “Oh, you’re using up all your gas,
    you’d better go” We then comment on the price of
    gas and I leave, still not knowing if I should
    have stayed longer.
    And Raven, I am glad you went out of order and
    listed the article last. It was very moving. I
    even printed it out to read again and share. I
    hope they follow this girls story.

  2. Raven says:

    Damn woman, that’s a long comment.
    Yeah, wouldn’t be amused by the uber-creepy dog. Not at all.
    Yeah, that girl is incredible. Talk about making things happen…

  3. Holly says:

    Wow, what a story! (The Somali refugee!)

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