Saturday, May 11, 2024 11:15


Easter, Schmeaster

So, yesterday was Easter. Wow, if that line won’t snare you into reading this thing, I don’t know what will. Those words just scream thrill a minute, don’t they?
Anyway, to start off, we partied on Saturday night. My hubby, the festie, was invited to a party for the troupe he’s in (which I think consists of all the cool people at the fest, except for a couple…meaning a couple of cool people at the festival, not that any of the puppet troupe isn’t cool, cuz they are, or I wouldn’t have gone). I wasn’t sure I was going to go, but I had a lot of fun. We stayed until 6 something in the morning…EEK!
Needless to say, we didn’t go to church on Sunday. (we had planned to go to this church G has been wanting to check out..yup we were going to be those people). Heck, we woke up after we were supposed to be at Easter dinner, OUCH! Fortunately, dinner was only a few blocks away, so we weren’t too bad in terms of tardiness. The food was good. But, my in laws are boring. No traditions or anything, just eating dinner together. I wish my family were closer, so we could go there, but alas, the 12 hour drive makes it tough. They do fun stuff. On saturday night, the eggs get dyed. This involves taking white crayons and writing each person’s name on an egg, which they get to dye any color, and cross dying them, and making patterns with the dye, and all sorts of wacky dye adventures. The eggs get hidden by the bunny, while the fam is in church. The eggs get hidden outside, unless it is absolutely pouring rain. Inside, baskets are hidden, each person getting at least one basket, full of goodies, and some bigger presents. The easter bunny is always crafty in the hiding. I really miss that. I miss everyone getting dressed up for Easter, and taking pictures of the activities and whatnot.
We ate dinner and sat around. Brother talked about his new scheme du jour. This time it’s a bar. Yawn. Golf was watched. Brother went to get chick du jour to have her sit while we ate dessert and look bored out of her mind. We went home. V.V. exciting.
However, the Easter bunny left baskets. Mine contained a Sylvester toy in a bunny costume, which was the same stuffy I got two years ago…and the bunny swore it was just decoration. More importantly the basket contained Cadbury eggs, and Friends: Season 7.
G had a hard time finding his basket, due to lack of practice as a youngster, but his had LOTS of treats, and a big head dog. For some reason he thinks they are super cute, so he got one.
Today, I am recovering from the weekend. Hopefully, I will be functional tomorrow. Key word : Hopefully.

2 Responses to “Easter, Schmeaster”

  1. the bunny says:

    Hey, if Sylvester wasn’t supposed to be a decoration you shouldn’t have kept him in an easter basket in the easter storage area!

  2. SO that it could be a decoration, not an Easter basket goodie. Article 3, section 2: :”Easter baskets used in the hunt are supposed to contain only goodies for the recipient.” Article 5, section 3: “Easter baskets may be used solely for decoration. However, said decorative Easter baskets must be separate from those baskets used in hunt. (see article 5, Section 7 for details).”
    Now, according to the handbook, by the bakset and toy being in storage, I was compliant to said separation.

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