Friday, May 17, 2024 04:17


Yay for me :)

I have a job interview Saturday…ssshhh…don’t tell my boss….with a place I seriously want to work. I already submitted my resume, and technically this is a job fair that they are having, but I was invited to come in for an interview. I work until one-ish, and the fair starts at 2. I haven’t interviewed for a job in about 7 years…YIKES! So, send me some good vibes. I am seriously afraid. I took a chunk of a paycut for my current job, which has no benefits, and has screwed me over more than once….so I would a) love to work for this new company b) could use both the higher wage and benefits that exist 3) they have kick-ass merchandise that I would get a discount on.
Man, I will be a mess this week…this is too much like an audition, Audtions make me crazy…but not a crazy as work does…so I have a feeling I will get through it…

5 Responses to “Yay for me :)”

  1. LaLa says:

    Ohhhhhhh crossing every apendage I can!!!
    Hurrah for you…..I know you will get it.

  2. Lala says:

    forgot to mention.
    shocking news……
    turns out I have another half sister born to my mom before her marriage to my dad!!!! my uncle was going through the grandparents house getting ready to sell it and HELLO!!! Well that is a major shocker!
    He asked me if I wanted to try and find her. Duh!!!?

  3. Raven-dick-in-mouth says:

    hmmm…you always seem to have something interesting going on, don’tcha??
    Keep me posted…and thanks for the support!!

  4. GSeven says:

    If you start getting google hits for Raven-dick-in-mouth I’m going to be very upset…
    Doh! I just said it again! Damn you google!

  5. Raven-dick-in-mouth says:

    hmmm….that would be my first such google hit. I must try it out…

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