Thursday, May 02, 2024 18:35


Oscar Fever

The Oscars are but a few short hours away, and as I am not nominated this year, I have lots of time to prepare my commentary. I am trying to keep it abgreviated, because, I could go on, and on, and on, and on….
I did surprisingly well seeing films this year, but there are several that the clock just ran out on me for, so I am going to do my best with my picks here.
Best PictureLost in Translation This is the picture that deserves to win, hands down. This is an example of what filmaking is all about. This film makes you feel what the characters are feeling, and is a delightfully human film. Everything from the acting, to the cinematography, to the direction are unified and subtle, allowing the viewers mind to have an active role. What will probably hurt it with the academy is its’ subtlety
Return of the King Would be a wonderful choice here also. This film is less of a director’s movie than Translation, and there are so many elements involved that work together, it is a fine example of epic filmmaking. Unfortunately, epic filmmaking has become vastly underrated in recent years, which may hurt its’ chances. Also, it has no acting noms–ouch! Although, the academy is famous for giving awards based on body of work, and not individual merit, so that may help it.
I have a strong feeling that Mystic River Will win. It is a highly emotional film, and the academy loves that shit. (I thought it was a good movie, well made, but not of the caliber of the previously mentioned films)
Master & Commander was just too full of itself to be a great film. It shouted, “Look at me, look what a great film I should be! I star Russell Crowe! I have ships, and special effects, and a predictable plot! Seriously, look at me!” (BTW, I still want my two hours back)
Seabiscuit I just never saw. Because, I have no desire to sit through it. Namely, it stars Tobey maguire *gag* and if I want to know the heartwarming story of the underdog, I will read the book. Then again, the people love underdogs.
Best Director Sofia Coppola, all the way. Without her, Lost in Translation would not have been what it was. Everything that came out of that film was due to the flawless direction. I can understand it not taking Best picture, but this is a director’s film, it deserves it.
Peter Jackson deserves best picture moreso than director. Granted, he had the vision, but without everyone else, it would not have been the film it was.
Clint Eastwood…the academy loves him, and again, this was just the type of movie that they are all over. He has a good chance…I just think there are more deserving directors this year. Although, of it’s noms, I feel this one would be the second most deserved to win. (Tim robbins and Marcia Gay Harden, made this film)
Peter Weir…see above mentioned pretention. He had so much to work with, and failed to use any of it to its’ full potential.
Fernando Meirelles, I haven’t seen this film due to it’s screen to video ambiguity. I hear good things, but it is hard to say. We could have another Roberto Begnini on our hands, or not.
Best Actor Sean Penn is the favorite here. His character had all of the emotions that the academy loves to see. I felt it lacked the subtlety that some of the other actors delivered…
I would love to see Bill Murray win here. He showed a range and subtlety here that I think few thought him capable of. He really made this character real.
Now for the disclaimer…I haven’t seen the rest of the actor noms. However Ben Kingsley is one of the finest actors of his time, and can do any role with Oscar-worthy quality. Jude Law is beautiful and talented, but from everything I have heard, there is something missing from the performance. Johnny Depp deserves an oscar, and I think if the academy bases his nom on body of work, he will receive one. I think he has deserved noms in his career, I don’t think this is the one.
For Best actress I haven’t seen the films…I think Charlize Theron is the favorite. The quality of the rest of the movie could hurt her. However, this is the type of role the academy loves.
Another strong contender is Diane Keaton. She’s been around, and there’s that body of work thing.
for supporting actor & Actress…Tim Robbins& Marcia Gay Harden Hands down….their performances made Mystic River. These are two talented deserving people…and these are the two statues that are most deserved by this film.
I am praying that Renee Zelleweger doesn’t get a statue, because I really cannot take much more of this woman. Mediocre, at best.
I will probably comment on some of the other categories post broadcast. I have to say that there are some glaring omissions in noms this year. Return of the King should have been nominated for cinematography. None of the noms there truly deserve a cinematography statue, especially Master and Commander. It had everything at its’ disposal and used none of it. Also, I cannot believe that neither Matrix release garnered anything. The technical skill involved in those films was phenomenal. Simply breathtaking. but, it goes to show that the genres of sci-fi and fantasty are highly underrated in the award show world.
Okay, I shall step off my soapbox for now…not being nominated and all, I have lots of other things I could be doing.

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