Saturday, May 18, 2024 17:35


linked: what if?

ZOMG! So many links!!! I had a few links kicking around because I didn’t have a chance to read them, a couple that I didn’t appreciate on the first pass, and a whole bunch that I discovered this week! Hopefully, it’s enough to keep you distracted while your Monday morning coffee kicks in, but not enough to get you too distracted from getting your week started. Here’s to an awesome first week of June!

This was a link within a link, but I think it’s really cool to see the designs that might have been along side their chosen counterparts. While there are some cool options, I think they made the right choice in each case.

This insight to a young girl’s relationship with her iPhone was enlightening and frightening. The fact that there is a generation out there that doesn’t know what to do if they aren’t in front of a screen is terrifying. Mayhaps I just came up with the topic of the next post-apocalyptic film?

This list of common misconceptions is fascinating! As someone who prides herself on knowing all the random trivia, I was surprised at how much I don’t know! I was able to use the tidbit about Napoleon’s height this weekend when a random show that was on talked about how wee he was. Which one is your favorite?

Have you seen the new Cheerios ad that is making waves? Apparently, even in 2013, there are people that don’t want to acknowledge that there are couples of mixed races! Despite the rampant racism, those folks don’t like it if you point out they are racists. This article speaks to the importance of acknowledging mixed race couples, even if it is to sell cereal.

Anyone remember the days when flight attendants were uber-glam and had fashionable uniforms? Well, Virgin is bringing that back with a collaboration with the incomparable Vivienne Westwood. I might have to become a flight attendant now.

Sort of on the topic of fashion, I kind of love this article. I am fascinated by drag queens, and I appreciate some insight to the fascination.

This piece on being unpopular might be my new favorite thing. I’ve never been popular, and have been okay with it. I prefer to be happy with the person I am than surrounded by people. Of course, people aren’t my favorite thing. Maybe the two are related?

I am kind of fascinated with Gwyneth Paltrow. She is pretty honest with the amount of work it is to be Gwyneth Paltrow, and I appreciate that. I also kind of want to do all that work, too. Except I have a full time job, and that amount of work would also be a full time job. Rebecca Harrington tries out the lifestyle, and it makes me want to try it all the more. (Check out her other attempts at celebrity diets, as well. I appreciate her commitment, because most of them are pretty miserable.)

I am on vacation! This article came just at the right time. I began organizing my things, and I kind of love it. I didn’t have enough time to fully implement her system, but I shall asap. I like the idea that I maybe won’t forget my razor or toothbrush because I have a set all packed. I could maybe even have everything in a carry on for once, since all the liquids will be TSA approved!

Finally, this little nugget is on the nose. Maybe too on the nose?

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