Friday, May 17, 2024 07:03


squirrely sunday: ten thirteen thirteen

It is officially my anniversary with G! Twelve years ago today, at this moment, we were celebrating our wedding. The time flies, for sure. That day, twelve years seemed so far off, yet here we are and it seems like a drop in the bucket. When we very first set our date, it was for October 5, 2002. However, we felt like that was so far off, and since we knew we were getting married anyway, why put it off??? So, we moved it up a year, and went with the 13. Because, ten thirteen. Because, we’re super nerds. Of course, if you’re reading this, you must be totally nerdy and totally get the reference, right? No? Well, ten thirteen is the production company that produced the X Files. The production company was named such, because it is the creator, Chris Carter’s birthday.

So, yeah, nerds. So far, we’ve had our ups and downs. Marriage is not easy. However, we made our vows, and we are sticking to them. Because, at the end of the day, whether it’s all fun and games or we’ve had a fight, there isn’t anyone else out there I’d rather snuggle into bed with at night. You know, on those nights when we’re both home and we need to sleep at the same time.

So, in celebration, I found the cutest cake topper, in one of my favorite colors. When we were married, we had pewter fairies on our cake. Now, we might have had these guys. In fact…I might have to get them on account of their loveliness. I’m pretty sure the traditional gift for the twelfth anniversary is squirrels, so it’s necessary, right??

10.13.13 vintage ceramic squirrels
(Clicking the photograph will take you to the etsy listing. If you’re feeling generous, or if you want to peek, or if you want to snipe me out of pure spite.)

Happy day, friends!

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