Sunday, April 28, 2024 18:43


squirrely sunday: the squirrel next door

Our two boys are always in cahoots. It’s funny, because they look like feline versions of Pinky and The Brain. Lucifer being Pinky and Alonzo being The Brain. However, in actuality it’s the other way around. Lucifer is the brains of the operation and Alonzo takes advantage of Lu’s smarts. For example, Lu is really good at opening doors. If he were a superhero, it would be his superpower. On the other hand, Alonzo just can’t work doors. Maybe it’s his smushed face. Maybe it’s his giant feet. Either way, he is desperate to get on the other side of the door but just can’t make it happen for himself. So, Lu opens the doors and Alonzo enters. The two main doors that get opened around here are the closet door and the bathroom cabinet containing our towels. Alonzo loves to nap in the box I keep slip on sandals and slippers or on the clean towels. This is a drag for many reasons. Cat hair on clean clothes and towels is a big drag. Also, hearing Lu’s attempts to get the doors open before he is successful can be really annoying when in a deep sleep on a work night. The closet is the worst for this.

So, we realized we needed to somehow block the door. We had a bocce ball set that was pretty heavy. We put it in front of the closet door, and figured it was Lu proof, at least until we found a more attractive option. OF course, Lu figured out how to get it out of the way and into the closet. We’d been keeping our eyes open for a door stop option.

Enter this guy:
squirrel next door stop

A squirrel! A door stop! Our prayers answered!

Except it was out of stock.

Until it wasn’t. We pulled the trigger straight away. It arrived in an adorable box, which I opened and ran into the bedroom to put it into place.

Alas, our doors are too high from the floor for this cutie. So, he is still sitting in front of our closet, though he isn’t preventing much right now. I am hanging onto him, since he is cute and fitting for my squirrel collection. Besides, we won’t live here forever and he might hold open other doors in the future.

Until then, we need a door stop.

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