Monday, May 06, 2024 04:20


linked: sparkle unicorn

Happy Monday, Friends! I know many of you have a short week of work with the holiday ahead, but here are some links to get you through what is in between.

First up is this delightful girls’ soccer team. They were allowed to choose any name they wanted. I think Chris Kluwe would certainly approve!

It’s not much of a secret that I’ve long been a fan of Marilyn Manson’s. I stumbled upon this little piece on Gala Darling’s blog, and it brought a smile to my face. I suspect it will do the same for you, whether or not you’re a fan.

I’d always been told that if I was sitting in my car for a minute or less, to leave my car running. This infographic turned my world upside down!

I thought this prank makeover was hilarious. I appreciate caring enough about your friends to go through great lengths for a laugh.

I am kind of coveting these signature necklaces. I can think of so many possibilities!

I thought this article on buying happiness was refreshing. I am much more about experiences over possessions, and it’s kind of cool to know that might make my life more enriched.

Along those lines, I have been working on having less things. It’s encouraging to read about how having things doesn’t equal success or happiness. I posted about this guy’s killer convertible apartment in the past, and he continues to inspire!

On the other hand, I can’t help but think it would be incredible to own Coco Chanel’s home. Swoon.

I found this reflection, from a young man who dressed in women’s clothes for three days as part of a project, insightful and thought-provoking. A skirt or a dress should not cause such a commotion. I can’t understand why so many choose to be hostile over something that makes someone else happy.

Finally, we are in the middle of Mercury Retrograde. If you’ve been wondering why things seem a little wonky, there you go. Gala Darling offers some ways to survive and thrive.

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