Saturday, May 18, 2024 20:56


vacation all i ever wanted

So, here I sit at the computer trying to procrastinate away the coming Monday. I have a hard time tucking myself in at night normally. However, Sunday nights are exponentially more difficult for me. It’s as though not going to bed will keep the evil Monday at bay and I can continue my blessed weekend. Alas, this has yet to work. Instead I must face Monday sleep deprived and push through until Friday afternoon rolls around to greet me. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Tonight is even worse. Instead of bidding adieu to just the weekend, I am kissing my week of vacation good bye. Work has been exhausting of late, and with all of our family living out of state our vacations are usually used to visit them and share their special events. So, I used some of the (amply) provided PTO from my employer. I armed myself with a long list of things to get done and places to go. Alas and alack, there are only 24 hours in a day and I feel I came up woefully short. So, I shall focus instead on what was accomplished! I am going to borrow Pickle Juice’s (where have you gone??) bullet list, patent pending.

  • Getting super dressed up and going to a play and after-party
  • My semi-annual dentist visit (including getting fitted for my night guard!)
  • A neurologist appointment (the verdict being that I have a structural problem preventing my neck from healing and a referral to a physical therapist.)
  • Going to karaoke (on a school night), going to another bar after, and finally hitting Mickey’s for some greasy early morning vittles.
  • A chiropractic adjustment

  • Patching and painting all the wee nail and screw holes in our walls-which I have been putting off for ages. Not so glamorous, that task.
  • Spring cleaning our bedroom. (I have to be honest, there are a couple of loose-ends there, but we can wrap up this week for sure!) This was a bigger task than I anticipated. Moving furniture, culling our possessions. How did we wind up with so much stuff already???? I thought about selling some things, but I think Goodwill will just have to do.
  • Grocery shopping
  • Audition to be Purina’s Cat Chow Correspondent! (I will take any and all prayers, happy thoughts, crossed fingers, etc. These can be applied to G and I!) It went well…since I am a crazy cat lady. It is a national search, though, so competition is FIERCE.
  • CON meetings, our department, division, and CONcomm. I think we may just get this thing together.
  • Haircut and color. My hair was getting shaggy and I was antsy to right the situation. My hair was extraordinarily well behaved that day, and I was tempted to just leave it alone. However, I got the color refreshed and lots chopped off. So much better. I think I will get even more chopped off next time!
  • Movie time! We saw The Adjustment Bureau and enjoyed it immensely. We had free passes, and coupons for our snacks, so it was an affordable evening out. I highly recommend the flick. It’s a sci-fi love story, and totally reminded me of Dark City. Plus, Matt Damon is just so endearing in it! You can help but root for him.
  • Household budget. Again, not totally done because I am trying to be super thorough. It was definitely shocking to see how much money we shell out for things. I could see some places where reigning it in will be easy, but I have a feeling that won’t be enough to get our finances where they need to be. Sigh.
  • Sleep. There was a lot of time dedicated to rest. Maybe too much, but that is what vacations are for.

Not part of the list are all the boring things like errands, and how I learned how to put together a bulleted list in HTML. All by myself! Okay, Google helped. I realize now that I am running out of things to do on the computer to keep me from having to go to bed…and work. Darn.

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