Tuesday, May 14, 2024 09:30


almost grown up!

So, I (finally) have a 401K. This was the first job I’d had that offered one, and I’d been thinking about it for a while, but finally got around to signing up, and choosing where my money would go and all that. I’d been leery of late after hearing from friends about how much they’ve lost recently. However, as a coworker pointed out, with things so low, it’s actually a good time to jump in, besides, the company matching part is free money.
So, I took the plunge! It’s kind of a pain in the ass to allocate what funds go where, but I managed. Now, I hope to sit back and watch!
For the record, we have other investments and such, I just never did the 401K thing. So, getting ready for retirement a little more, since I am nearly halfway there (yikes!). One thing I really like is that the money automatically goes in. I don’t even get to touch it first…which helps. So, let’s all root for those stocks and bods and such to go up, up, up!

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