Monday, May 20, 2024 03:40


looking at history

While tomorrow guarantees to be an historic event, I am talking about history of a more personal nature. Right now, I am having a little staycation. I really needed a break from work to get caught up on some things and have some me time. Somewhere along the line, I decided that it would be a good time for me to finally take a little road trip I have long talked about to see where my relatives are from. My great-grandparents came over some time ago, and settled in a town about three hours away from where I live now. I’ve never been, so I will be heading out there this week to see if I can see any sights relating to them, and to stop at the local history research center to see what I can find.
In the meantime, I dug up the family tree info I had so far to insure I was looking for the right stuff. A while back, I was trying to work on my genealogy, but it sort of fell to the wayside after hitting some blocks. I did some searches tonight, and found more info on my family. The best part? Someone I am assuming is a cousin once or twice removed (possibly a second cousin once or twice removed), has entered a chunk of family tree stuff on a genealogy website. Not only that, but he loaded pictures! So, I just spent quite a while looking at photos of my great-grandparents, and my great-grandmother’s parents and siblings. I can’t even begin to explain how that felt. I literally had tears in my eyes. I’d only ever seen one picture of my great-grandparents, and it was a family photo taken when they were a bit older, and my grandfather was wee. So, it was nice to see some younger photos, as well as what some more of the family looks like.
I am hopeful I will find even more info on Thursday. I know that my grandfather was very involved in the town, and there were newspaper write-ups and things about him, so I am hoping I will be able to get some copies of that sort of thing, as well as see the church he helped build and the cemetery where they are buried.
This is among the many reasons I am feeling so much positive energy from this week. It is amazing. I hope you are finding much positivity this week, as well!!!

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