Monday, May 13, 2024 13:47


another year bites the dust

So, it has been months since I have bothered to write, many apologies. Suddenly, I’ve had more going on than I’ve know what to do with, much less write about it all. My top priority has been to keep up with my half marathon training, as I’ve a lot invested in it so far, I must follow through. I have carefully laid plans for the new year, and how I will keep up with my posting, and not fall so far behind that I don’t know where to begin. In the meantime, I leave you with a little year in reflection meme.
Where were you new years eve?
With G at the Chatterbox Highland, where he was running karaoke. Luckily a couple of dear friends joined us, and we had a lovely NYE. My theme for dress was flapper inspired.
Did you have a New Year’s Resolution this year?
Mainly, to lose the last bit of weight, keep it off, and get really buff. Part of this involves me completing a half marathon!!!!
Does it snow where you live?
Yes. Yes, and yes.
Do you like hot chocolate?
I like it, but I consider it a big splurge, so when I drink it, it must be really, really, really fabulous.
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
No, but I would like to do this at least once in my lifetime.
Who was your Valentine?
My G-funk-daddy
When you were little did you buy Valentine’s for the whole class?
Yes. I didn’t like to be the one left out, and didn’t want to leave anyone out. I also always wrote everyone’s names on theirs. I disliked getting Valentines with blank envelopes. Even if it was just for show, I liked thinking that there was at least a modicum of thought put into it.
Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
I don’t care which way it goes…but I like the anticipation and hearing the news.
What did you receive for Valentine’s day?
This is really terrible…I remember the card very clearly, I remember dinner…I don’t remember what I got as a gift 🙁
What did you give for Valentine’s day?
I remember the card I gave, and dinner…my mind must be going in my old age!!
Are you Irish?
Yes. Though, ironically, not where I get my red hair.
Do you like corned beef and cabbage?
more that it doesn’t like me.
Did you wear green on St.Patrick’s day?
I was working, so only a bit of green this year.
Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?
I like winter, and I like spring. I don’t like when winter hangs on and you can’t get used to the weather one way or another. I don’t know if that answers the question, but that’s what I’m sticking to!
Do you like the rain?
I’ve grown to accept it.
Did you play an April Fool’s joke on anyone this year?
Yes. My German boss has a fascination with American pop culture. This year, one of his big fascinations was Spider Pig from the Simpsons Movie. So, one of our graphics girls made pig prints out of adhesive vinyl, and we ran them along the ceiling from the door to our offices to his desk, and left an autographed photo of SpiderPig on his desk. The prints are still on the ceiling!
Do you get tons of candy for Easter?
I got some, I wouldn’t say tons.
Do you celebrate 4/20?
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
Do you love the month of April?
It’s okay. I don’t have strong feelings about it one way or the other.
What is your favorite flower?
I can’t name just one…and I can’t think of one I specifically dislike, so I say, all of them!
Finish the phrase “April shower…”
often are followed with snow or ice in these parts.
Do you celebrate May 16th: National Piercing Day?
I didn’t know this was a thing. I doubt I will ever celebrate it in the expected fashion.
Is May anything special to you?
The hubs and I consider our relationship beginning in May. We went from acquaintances to inseparable so quickly, we couldn’t pinpoint a date. So, while we were dating, we just used May 14th to celebrate. In ’09 it will have been ten years ago in May that we became inseparable.
What year did/will you graduate from High School?
Did you do anything fun during this Month?
I just remember a lot of cleaning, as we were getting ready for houseguests. Oh, and I did a show. It was a long, long process.
Have a favorite baseball team?
The brief flicker of interest in baseball I had as a child is now gone. However, during that flicker, I loved the Tigers…so I suppose they will always have a soft spot in my heart. I also like the Cubs. Mostly ’cause Wrigley is awesome, I love Chicago, and somehow rooting for the Sox is just wrong.
What did you do on the 4th of July?
Did you go to the fireworks?
no…we could see them from the hotel, but I was doing something else for some reason. Too bad, I LOVE fireworks.
Did you blast the A/C all day?
We were in a hotel…they blasted it for us.
Did you do anything special at the end of your summer?
Went to Lollapalooza in Chicago. It was awesome.
What was your favorite summer memory of 2008?
Oohh…CON was pretty fun with the sis and kids, as was Radiohead and NIN at Lollapalooza. Oh wait, I’ve got it! It was seeing Perry Farell and Slash perform “Superstitious” at Lolla…nothin’ quite like it!!!
Did you have a sunburn?
No. I am very careful to avoid this, as I have so little pigment in my skin.
Did you go to the pool alot?
No. I planned to, it did not happen.
Whats special about Aug?
It’s my sis’ anniversary!
Are you attending college/school?
No. But I miss shopping for school supplies. I love school supplies.
Do you like Fall better than Summer?
YES!!!! It’s my favorite!!!!
What happened this month?
Not too much.
What was your last Halloween costume?
Captain Liberty from the live action The Tick series.
What is your favorite candy?
Anything fruity. Or Mounds/Almond Joy. Oh the coconut deliciousness!!!
What was your favorite thing(s) about this month?
Well, October is my favorite month, so there were lots of good things!! My wedding anniversary, which was spent in Anaheim at Blizzcon and Disney was pretty f-ing cool. I had a great birthday, surrounded by friends. Halloween was a swell time, aside from Niles trying to sever his leg. It was a really delightful month.
Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
We stayed at home. It was perfect, except for discovering I seem to have developed a Turkey allergy.
What are you thankful for?
I have a job, a house, a cute hubby, furbabies that I love so much it hurts, great parents, a cool sis, niece and nephews that are turning into such amazing people I practically can’t stand it, and wish I would have been half that cool at their age, friends that stick with me despite hectic schedules and distance, friends that though new and shiny mean a lot to me, that I can run for miles without stopping, and that I still have hope for getting my act together.
Do you love stuffing?
Well, I used to. Now, I shall stick with dressing.
Anything special in this month?
It is the anniversary of my engagement. (the day after T-day, 1999 on top of l’arc de Triomphe) It would have also been my birth month perhaps, but I was a little anxious to get out. So anxious in fact that I didn’t finish baking first. Even then, I really loved October!!!!
Do you celebrate Christmas?
Yes. Though, the fact that I call it Christmas is really force of habit. I am really celebrating Yule. I will leave it at that, because I doubt this question was intended to get me started on my beliefs….
Have you ever been kissed under the mistle toe?
Not that I recall…
What do you want this year?
Santa has already been very kind to me. I’ve gotten the things I asked for…even if I can’t open some of them until the 25th!! Other than that, I would really, really love a clean house.
What do you love most about December?
Getting dressed up for holiday events. Though it isn’t the case this year, I love all the rituals of December. The lights, the treats, the cards, wrapping the gifts I thought about and chose so carefully. I don’t do any of it because I feel I have to. I honestly enjoy it, and love to see the reactions. I wish more people thought about their enjoyment of these rituals, instead of giving into the obligation. I wouldn’t want anyone to get me anything because they felt obligated…that just makes me feel bad.
Oops, off track…back on track…I also love the snow…and snuggling with my sweetie, and watching movies that make me all giddy. Oh and the egg nog…
Well, I am off to bed. Have a holiday full of blessings!!!

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