Sunday, May 05, 2024 13:36


no, i’m serious

So, I thought I should make it known. I signed up for a half-marathon yesterday. No, the race isn’t until March, but I turned in my dollars and forms yesterday. It was many dollars, none of which are refundable, so I have to stick with this!! I run my first 5K on Saturday (the Step Out to Fight Diabetes. It is important enough to me, that I started running…if you would like to support me please go to my walk page: click here ) If all goes well, I jump right into training on Monday. It is a 16 week program, so I have a few weeks buffer before the big day. All the sites say that it’s okay to not run the whole thing your first time out, and to not have a time goal, so I am just in this one to finish. If I like it, I will train for a marathon, either the Twin Cities or Chicago.
No, this isn’t a joke. Yes, I still have control of all my faculties. I’m just getting healthy, and this is part of it. I want to prove to myself that I can do this. Of course, who knows? I could be the next Deanna Kastor!!
(BTW, I have lost 13 pounds, and my waist is down to 24.5 inches, just shy of where it was when I was in high school. I have a bit more to go, and lots of goals ahead…I am just trying my best to be patient and hit one goal at a time!)
If you want to see details on my progress more often, I post regularly on Sparkpeople. (e-mail me if you want specifics). It’s where I found the running program I am currently doing, and the support that’s getting me through it. So, the next time you see me, I will be a lean, mean, running machine!!

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