Thursday, May 09, 2024 21:54


Lollapalooza recap part I, or we made it out of the house

So, the time we’d been waiting for for months was looming. I’d planned to actually do some play-by-play blogging of the full adventure, but it turns out that just wasn’t meant to happen.
A couple of weeks ago, I finally made it to the dentist. Surprisingly, things looked pretty good. It seemed like very little scraping until the hygenist got to my appliance (I have a wired glued to the back of my bottom teeth to keep them in line.), which I expected to be a little grosser than the rest of my mouth. After all, it’s a bitch to brush and floss around, so some flotsam has to stick around. The cleaning was done and some scanning was done to confirm what the x-rays hinted at, I had three cavities. My back teeth all had sealants on them at one time due to my teeth forming weirdly and having canyons in them. These aren’t permanent things, and so where the sealants disappeared, cavities took their place. One was actually part of a cavity I got prior to the dentist getting wise and sealing those bitches off. So, to make a long story even longer, I went in on Tuesday to get those bad boys filled, and get what would be my lone mercury filling removed and replaced with a sleek and modern white filling. I merely hoped that they wouldn’t open my teeth up to find something living in there or worse. But, they numbed me up and I watched a couple of episodes of The Office while I was drilled and poked and buffed. Since they were doing teeth on both sides, my jaw, tongue, cheeks, bottom lip, so on, were all completely numb. I was starving, and thought it couldn’t be that hard to eat, so G took me to get a pizza. It was clear pretty quickly that this was not going to happen, so we went to the event we had planned on for the evening (more on that later) and I figured I could eat the pizza later. On our way out, I couldn’t quite close my teeth together. I thought there was some pizza stuck in there. So, in the safety of the car, I flip down the mirror and have a look. Not so much pizza stuck in there as it was a large portion of my inner cheek. Apparently, while I was at it, I took out some of my lip, and both were swollen and bloody. Delightful.
Anyhow, Wednesday rolls around. I figured that after work I would get all my stuff done, so that on Thursday, the very second I was off work and my clothes were changed, we would be on the road for some sweet Chicago action. Yeah, that was a nice thought. Sadly, between my muscles being irritated from the shots, and me gnawing a large portion off of the inside of my face, my head was rebelling against my body. I took drugs, and had a lie down. Until it was time to get up for work in the morning. Not cool. So, while I was at work on Thursday, I e-mailed to dos to G, and made lists of what I needed to get done and what I needed to pack, and was optimistic that we would only be two, maybe three hours behind.
I am such a silly girl. By the time we got that absolute musts done, it was clear that everything else would have to be abandoned if we were going to get out of Dodge, and see ourselves some music. We managed to get things squared away enough that the car was packed, the cats had clean boxes and food, and after a quick chat with the only reasonable neighbors we have…we made a run for it in the middle of the night.
Needless to say, our all night Chicago clubbing adventure was canceled. By the time we made it to the city, and managed to find our hotel, the rest of the world was just opening their peepers up for the day. We bemoaned the fact that our usual hotel was full and quickly realized that what we were dealing with was not the ideal substitute. However, our lids were drooping, so we made the best of things and quickly made our carcasses home in one of the beds we would be calling ours for the next three days, and got some shuteye before we would be expected to rock out with our cocks out, as it were.
The next installations (all of which are filled with rock stars and sunshine, and far better than what you’ve just read, if you read it at all) will be up shortly…I must feed my growling tummy.

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